Well there you have it ... FF is better than Opera ... until they fix this bug. Really, I think closed source is it's biggest problem ...
It is a very big thing for the Opera dev's to miss, but it doesn't seem very hard to miss it.
That said, the firefox guys got it, so did the elinks and the links2 guys, and the gaim guys, the irssi guys... hell, too-many programs have their config directories only readable by the owner - gxine WTH?
(btw, I just noticed, even tho firefox's cookies.txt file is only owner-readable, so is the whole .mozilla directory)
I wonder how the update system will handle the change - will it be able to just change the permissions or will it have to check the permissions on the next run or will it have to check the permission on it on *every* run?
And I also wonder how long it'll take to get the update out. Knowing the speed these things are supposed to go at with non-Microsoft products (can't resist) and the apparent simplicity of this problem.. maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and there'll be a fix

And hell, maybe I wasn't in the right page. I used the contact us page, used the "privacy" subject, it's the best I could find when I was flying through the site and it doesn't sound very pleasing lol. If it was firefox, I'd know to go direct to bugzilla.mozilla.org and when I'm filing out the bug I'd check the "this is a security bug" box and bang the developers can get to work on it.
But I suppose really there's no huge danger since only so many people know about it right now (and if that changes, so be it).
And plus, I don't think it will affect Windows, since Windows usually shuts everyone else out of the users home directory (whatever it is/called).
Some GNU/Linux distros do this by default too no doubt, but not Ubuntu. And I prefer it not to. If you don't trust your applications to set proper permissions to should-be-confidential files (containing passwords, cookies, whatever), don't use the application or give it any confidential info.