All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Crazy mouse
Just used a Windoze computer a few minutes ago (thank god someone just walked away from the only eMac in the room, anyway, I used it for a few seconds, the mouse was behaving in a very odd manner. I move the mouse, it stops midway as if it had reached the edge of the screen, I try to move it up, the cursor just slides sideways, and whatnot. On other computers, occasionally, for no reason I can imagine, the mouse suddenly goes crazy, runs in all directions, opens applications, clicks on icons, resizes windows, puts the taskbar on the top, opens the start menu, etc.
What kind of fucking crap is that???
I've actually had that happen sometimes for a few seconds on the older computer. No clue what it means.
The system could be infected by a Trojan, or you where trying to open too many programs at one time. It's something that Windows (even XP) can't handle in the proper way, so Windows just slows down a lot and tries to do the tasksat a later time.
The computers run Windows 2000, and all of them run an anti-virus software that slows down the systems to a crawl. Everything, from mouse movements to window resizing, loading webpages, typing in M$ Turd, moves in a jerky fashion. Move the mouse, it stops midway for a split second, then proceds, stops after a second and so on; resize a window, resizing stops midway; type a few words, the three first characters appears, then the rest after half a second, click on the start menu, half the menu appears, stop half a second, place the cursor on 'programs', takes half a second before it's selected; try to resize a window, stops midway, misses the resize button and clicks on the close button instead, and so on, and so on, and so on, and IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING!!! :mad: . :mad: :mad:
I've also seen that happen on computers with wireless optical mice when the batteries are dying or the IR signal is bad.
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