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Crazy mouse
I've had the happen when I had a damaged wired mouse.
Ive never seen that happen, and with NT, what Refalm said is entirely bullshit, well 95%. All the multitasking is from VMS, and most of the features in VMS completly own anything UNIX.
It does happen when morons play with process priority as well.
It could happen with some USB devices still I guess, if you have a PS/2 Mouse, I dont see it possible, USB stuff uses a whole load of bullshit to run.
I have a wireless RF mouse that jitters from time to time when my mobile phone is to close. That and its the same brand, channel, etc as my brothers mouse. Except our computers are so far apart it doesnt matter.
[ February 05, 2004: Message edited by: X11: read your PMs restin256 ]
Canadian Lover:
quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
Just used a Windoze computer a few minutes ago (thank god someone just walked away from the only eMac in the room, anyway, I used it for a few seconds, the mouse was behaving in a very odd manner. I move the mouse, it stops midway as if it had reached the edge of the screen, I try to move it up, the cursor just slides sideways, and whatnot. On other computers, occasionally, for no reason I can imagine, the mouse suddenly goes crazy, runs in all directions, opens applications, clicks on icons, resizes windows, puts the taskbar on the top, opens the start menu, etc.
What kind of fucking crap is that???
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I had that happen while using photoshop! :mad:
quote:Originally posted by X11: read your PMs restin256:
All the multitasking is from VMS....
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Probably not all of it. MS put a lot of restraints on the NT/VMS development team, so a bunch of features never got into NT.
quote: if you have a PS/2 Mouse,
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No, no, I was at school when I was typing that; it's not my computer (I don't even have Windows 2000 on my computer anymore).
No USB there, of course, They're all old, crappy ps/2 mice, same goes for the computers. I know the antivirus is part of the problem, because when someone somehow manages to work around the permissions and disable it, everything goes back to normal. The crazy mouse thing is only on one or two of the computers.
They might as well install Linux on those computers, if they're so paranoid about security. Or better yet, dump all those old POS computers and replace them by eMacs. It's not like anyone is going to complain about lack of applications, since they don't allow people to install or even run applications.
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