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Microsoft's New Linux-Based Wireless Network

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Microsoft's New Linux-Based Wireless Network
--- Quote ---MECC points to an article about [0]Microsoft's new wireless network. From
the article "The next time Bill Gates sends an e-mail through Microsoft's
shiny new Wireless LAN it will be passed through a behind-the-scenes
Linux-based network appliance." Microsoft has partnered with Aruba
Networks for a large corporate wireless LAN deployment, involving 277
buildings and 5000 access points, 'all Linux based.'"
--- End quote ---

Microsoft needs some explaining to do.

Explaining ? ... they used non-M$ stuff before ... both Linux and Mozilla ... they know they blow goats.

They used to have a linux based server as a prebuffer to all thier systems...

They've been doing things like this for years. If you ran a multi billion dollar organization, wouldn't you secure your data with the best available software :D


--- Quote from: pofnlice ---They used to have a linux based server as a prebuffer to all thier systems...

They've been doing things like this for years. If you ran a multi billion dollar organization, wouldn't you secure your data with the best available software :D
--- End quote ---

Not quite... that was akamai tech, who were in turn delivering Microsoft's content.
Anyhow, minor point.

What's bizarrely ironic about this story is the fact that a lot of wireless networking cards are barely supported by Linux itself.  Linux makes good transmitters, but the receivers are all Windows.


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