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Fluxbox show the desktop

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Oh ... I see now what you are talking about ... I think. Well the solution is easy for me:

1) I don't use icons ... only the menu
2) I change the apps dimensions so there is a bit of a space at the top or left or right of the windows so you can right-click and bring up a menu quickly

If you were wondering ... right-click on a window title > Remember > check Dimensions and Position ... this causes the window to be brought up in the same place with the same dimensions every time leaving a bit of room around the edges will let you access the menu anytime. To edit the window dimentions edit the ~/.fluxbox/apps config file.

It'll look something like this:

[app] (Gecko)
   [Dimensions] {938 739}
   [Position] (UPPERLEFT) {1 1}

Your dimensions are probably different ... and this is only the entry for Firefox.

Expose in Mac OSX does this real nicely.   Click one button to show the desktop, click one to show all open windows.  Move the mouse to hot corners if you don't like the keyboard.

Guess sometimes you have to shell out a couple bucks for the features you really want :D

now you don't

now you see it!


You might be able to get something like this to work......

Discovering the K Desktop Environment

According to fluxbox, it's kde compatible.

Or shit son, just go here and ask the experts...

Flux box Gurus


read chapter 5

you can add a key binding to ~/.fluxbox/keys for the 'showdesktop' action.

fluxbox is awesome cause its so easy to configure with just vi.

personally if I want start a new application I go to a new desktop. I make Alt-F* desktop shortcuts.

Or for an instant menu you can bind RootMenu to a key ... for example mine is:

Mod1 w :RootMenu

pressing 'Alt' 'w' will bring up the menu. Also, it's 'ShowDesktop' ... I think the case is important.


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