Author Topic: SHIFT Locked  (Read 801 times)


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SHIFT Locked
« on: 11 November 2003, 05:38 »
I hit shift five times to bring up sticky keys on the "computer locked" dialog, and then left for awhile and the screen saver came on. Came back, couldn't enter my password. SHIFT was locked down, and I couldn't fix it. Most users at this point would have shut their computers down. This is a nasty problem, but there is a way to get around it if anyone else ever runs into this:


Edit: You can't just hit the number keys when the computer thinks your holding down shift, ie: if you hit [1], '!' will appear, [2], '@' will appear, etc. Kind of hard to use a password with numbers when it won't let you enter them.

Note: DON'T USE THOSE IN MOZILLA. For some reason an ignorant programmer decided to use ALT+# shortcuts for it (thanks for crippling an important feature of WindowS). If you're a win-programmer, Don't Do That! I would fix this issue, but I don't feel like spending an hour compiling Mozilla :\. As long as it continues to be fast and secure, it's still my favorite browser. Kind of went off-topic, but this wouldn't be an issue that shift problem wouldn't have occured.

BTW, I have discussed this with people and they say it's a keyboard hardware issue and not Windows.. Ever had a problem with this in Linux or on a Mac? (I'm talking about regular users, not people who ran Knoppix for a day and consider themselves an expert for some reason)

[ November 10, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]


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SHIFT Locked
« Reply #1 on: 11 November 2003, 21:49 »
I have never seen this happen on any of my systems. Ive had the keyboard disappear on windows & linux, but like you said, keyboard problem. I also lose my mouse when i switch to my mac from linux (KVM switch), but that isnt that big of a problem. ctrl backspace, retsarts x and im good to go. Windows though, i have to restart the computer to get the mouse back. I think i need a new kvm switch...


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SHIFT Locked
« Reply #2 on: 12 November 2003, 02:24 »
Shift happens.

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