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Want a small proof that MS fucks up the economy?

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create jobs? feel free to tell dimitry skylov that/*however you spell it, and yeah, more of a dmca issue since adobe is the basterds doing it, owell*/. so if i operate a cocain ring and creat "jobs" in the distribution stage, the consumer market, the manufacture stage, and the growing stage, thats ok?

actally if i were to pay taxes on it every stage like every other production corperation, the government probably wouldn;t care, just rember to tally the %50 crack tax into the price ok?

[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

Just remember to tell people u'll give them a discount for using XP cds to light their drugs.... kill 2 birds with one stone!


quote:This may sound heretical, but doesn't Microsoft and their sins create jobs and get consumers pumping money into the economy? They allow less competent people to be experts. They create jobs because stuff don't work so good on their OS.
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Create jobs? Hell, MS has created entire industries. Where would Symantec and McAfee be today were it not for the need for anti-virus soft to protect the inherently insecure Winderz? Then there's Norton System Works, Norton Internet Security, Clean Sweep, Ghost -- all dedicated to but one purpose: helping the customer overcome the many, many failings and shortcomings of Winderz.

But before you get too excited about that, consider this: what could we have accomplished by now with technology had all those dollars been invested in innovative new companies instead of companies that exist only because Winderz is so utterly fucked up?
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completetly concealed by their superficial design flaws.


Just remember to tell people u'll give them a discount for using XP cds to light their drugs.... kill 2 birds with one stone!

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don't you mean kill two birds with one stoner....?


[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: beltorak0 ]

it goes like

kill one brain with two stones

[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]


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