All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

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quote:Originally posted by The Angel Of Death BETA 2.0:
What's scary is that it is quallified as a "Recommended Update"
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Date         Time   Version      Size     File name  Platform
   12-Oct-2001  16:47  5.1.2600.15   63,872  Udfs.sys   i386
   12-Oct-2001  16:46  5.1.2600.15  244,352  Udfs.sys   Itanium 64-bit

the file size for I64 is 4 times bigger.....

says alot about the file management dosent it?

Whats the bug? I have * blocked at my proxy and I'm not going to unblock it  ;)


quote:usr/bin/maniaman: Whats the bug? I have * blocked at my proxy and I'm not going to unblock it
--- End quote ---

You should block it in "/etc/hosts" too.

quote:Microsoft: Playback and Copy-Protection Issues When You Try to Play the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs DVD Movie

When you attempt to play the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Platinum Collection DVD movie, you may experience the following behaviors:
[*] Audio and video playback is garbled or indistinct.

    [*] Your DVD-player program reports that the DVD does not meet copy-protection requirements and must be closed.

This behavior occurs because the Universal Disk Format (UDF) driver (Udfs.sys) in Windows XP and Windows 2000 is unable to read certain data stored on the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Platinum Collection DVD. This problem does not affect any other DVD disks known to Microsoft at this time.

Windows XP
To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Windows XP.
--- End quote ---

[ October 12, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]

what the fuck are "dwarfs"? I always thought that the plural of dwarf was "dwarves".

I don't know who's more moronic, those dudes who came up with the title for saying something stupid like "dwarfs" or this shitty ass language for coming up with "dwarves"


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