Author Topic: Peer Caches  (Read 2474 times)


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Peer Caches
« on: 12 July 2006, 19:11 »
hi all,
i need some help on setting up caches for a p2p network,  i know they need to run on unix or linux.  but i need some software and guidance. if anyone is able to point me in the right direction then i would be grateful :D


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Re: Peer Caches
« Reply #1 on: 13 July 2006, 13:29 »
I've had a quick look and caching seems to only be usefulif you are an ISP

You (the ISP) hold popular p2p files on a local server so your customers can retrieve the file without you  having to pay for international traffic thus improving margins.

I don't really think mean this. An ISP shouldn't be asking these questions on Microsuck :P.

Are you thinking more of a p2p seed server ? That would be pretty simple to setup, I assume you have a spare machine for it ?

which p2p network are you thinking of (BitTorrent ?) because that will decide which application to use.