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And Elecktra would only lose money if the friend would otherwise have paid for the CD. Record companies like to exagerate this stuff, I'd say that's nearly worth a death penalty.

This has always interested me, I don't think it's clear cut either way. If I copy a CD of a friend then instead of buying it then in a way I am stealing since I'm avoiding paying for it, but there again if I had no intention of buying it then they wouldn't be loosing anything. Overall I think copying copyrighted stuff should be illeagal but the harm done by piracy is grossly exacurated, if it became legal then one person would pay and everyone else would copy so they wouldn't make any money.


--- Quote from: Aloone_Jonez ---if it became legal then one person would pay and everyone else would copy so they wouldn't make any money.
--- End quote ---

And let's not forget that millions of people are still going to the movies, renting movies, buying dvds, buying cds, and seeing bands perform live.  It's not like Elecktra is going broke.

They want money, lots and lots of money, and if you won't let them have it then you'll go to prison/jail + heavy fines ! muhahhahaaa


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