Author Topic: Saddam and Osama  (Read 2982 times)


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Saddam and Osama
« on: 14 July 2006, 22:22 »
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #1 on: 15 July 2006, 06:20 »
[offtopic]It really sickens me the number of people fighting for ideals that include "Thou shalt not kill."  I almost collapsed when I heard Israel justifying their bombing of Beirut, just as I gagged when Hezbollah argued that it was "Allah's will" that Israel be wiped from the face of the earth.  What kind of God allows this behaviour? :mad:[/offtopic]
« Last Edit: 15 July 2006, 06:20 by Orethrius »

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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #2 on: 15 July 2006, 19:48 »
A very sick, demented one :D .. but thou shalt worship HIM and love HIM as HE loves you ... and thou shallt not question HIM or HE will send a beast to eat you and then send you to burn and suffer in hell for all eternity ... but HE loves you and he always needs more money ...


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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #3 on: 15 July 2006, 20:19 »
i wonder if somehow there aren't some other people involved besides god. perhaps they are the people who want the money and the power, and they use their claim to a higher authority to justify their nefarious actions in the eyes and minds of the larger body of devotees.

just a possibility.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #4 on: 15 July 2006, 20:51 »
Quote from: Calum
i wonder if somehow there aren't some other people involved besides god. perhaps they are the people who want the money and the power, and they use their claim to a higher authority to justify their nefarious actions in the eyes and minds of the larger body of devotees.

just a possibility.

That's pretty much how sects work.


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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #5 on: 16 July 2006, 04:52 »
Quote from: Orethrius
[offtopic]It really sickens me the number of people fighting for ideals that include "Thou shalt not kill."  I almost collapsed when I heard Israel justifying their bombing of Beirut, just as I gagged when Hezbollah argued that it was "Allah's will" that Israel be wiped from the face of the earth.  What kind of God allows this behaviour? :mad:[/offtopic]

God isn't doing this shit.  God didn't tell people to do this shit.  People are doing it all by themselves.  The people do it.  It's their choice.  What kind of God allows this behavior?  Well, it's the same one that allows free will and free choice.  

You don't like free will and free choice?  Well, that isn't your call.  Sorry, you were not around at the start of the universe so you don't get  a vote.  Even if you were around then, God outranks you so you still don't get a vote.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #6 on: 16 July 2006, 05:04 »
That's right God outranks you so shut up and deal with it ... and worship Him while you're at it ...

You are nothing, God is everything ...


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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #7 on: 16 July 2006, 05:35 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
That's right God outranks you so shut up and deal with it ... and worship Him while you're at it ...

You are nothing, God is everything ...

God outranks you, yes.  Shut up and deal with it, yes.

Wondering about why God allows free will is as pointless as whining about why God allows death, or why we have to eat instead of photosynthesisizing food from the sun.  That's the way the universe is put together.  Get a helmet and deal with it.

Worship Him, your choice.  You have free will.

"You are nothing, God is everything" well, to be blunt, that shows misunderstanding and prejudice.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #8 on: 16 July 2006, 05:42 »
Well this shows why it's pointless to argue about religion ... no one will change sides, not with mere words ... everyone has their own point of view and they will stick with it to the end, arguing about it only pisses people off.


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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #9 on: 16 July 2006, 11:32 »
that is unfortunately true, which is why it makes it so easy to start a war about religion. for some reason, it's harder to start a war over things like which side you part your hair on or what kind of jam is best, although to be fair there have been some silly reasons for war over the years. all i'm saying is that people will have a war if they want whatever the circumstances, but religion is a nice easy scapegoat to use since everybody gets all angry about it very quickly (for some reason)

i tend to agree with obrien actually, although i think it's interesting that others have picked out the parts of what he said that could be misunderstood, and then deliberately misunderstood them! i apologise if it was genuine accidental misunderstanding, but it doesn't look like it to me. it seems to me as though it is taken to be fair play to misunderstand somebody just because we're talking about religion! bizarre!

edit/ps: now i don't want this to be some accusation but i just noticed that obrien's icon is hal jordan. you know about him? for thirty years he was earth's green lantern, the most revered member of the green lantern corps throughout the entire universe, but then in the nineties he decided that the world was fucked and that he would destroy everything with his power ring, then travel back to the big bang and take a hand in recreating the universe in his image (ie: no wars, no death, no suffering etc). All the other superheroes stopped him, but not before he had murdered many (including most of the original justice society). i just thought it was ironic that hal jordan is the icon for mobrien, when we're talking about what we're talking about, that's all!
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #10 on: 16 July 2006, 20:37 »
Irony, yes. Not something I had thought about.  Very insightful.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #11 on: 17 July 2006, 19:08 »
i wonder if you are being sarcastic?

i really was trying to be ironic by the way! i don't actually want you to think i think you're a fascist dictator or anything!
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #12 on: 18 July 2006, 05:38 »
Quote from: Calum
i wonder if you are being sarcastic?

i really was trying to be ironic by the way! i don't actually want you to think i think you're a fascist dictator or anything!

No, I'm being totally sincere :(  You just got me so wrapped up in thought that I dashed off a quick reply, which had no sarcasm intended. :(   I'm sorry if it came off  any other way than it was intended.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #13 on: 18 July 2006, 21:29 »
Several choices here...

Believe or don't

Live it or don't

speak it or don't

it's all about choice. To do or not do...or even to refuse to choose. I never understood why it's so debateable. I'm a christian. However, I do not attempt to make others believe or see as I do. I simply stick to my guns. My own beliefs, values and morals guide me based on my understanding. It's not really that hard.
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Re: Saddam and Osama
« Reply #14 on: 18 July 2006, 22:23 »
My problem, near as I can figure, is that all these people "fighting for their God" are violating the single most sacred Commandment - the Bible lists it first, and I wouldn't doubt that other doctrines do the same - that "thou shalt not murder."  I won't even get into distinctions between "murder" and "mercy killing" but the whole rationale behind "he killed him, so I'll kill him" and the endless cycle of bloodshed  for ideals that include the prohibition of murder seems hypocritical to me.  The whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach.

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