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looking to replace Windows Media Player? Need help.

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quote:Originally posted by Mirrorball:
I'm pretty sure Microsoft did something to Windows so that WMP has better sound and image than any other app. You'd better use another OS if you want to get the best sound and video without Microsoft produts.
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if you are forced to use M$ products just use their windows media 9 seriesapplication to do your stuff.

i agree xine doesnt look that great but it is getting better.

or you could just go out and purchase a mac.


quote:Originally posted by raptor:
or you could just go out and purchase a mac.
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After winning which lottery? try to think of a more affordable answer.

As for a mac being good with music, think again.

"Many machines from the first revision of the Apple Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) are intolerably loud, well above Apple and ISO standards, including high pitched whines that give users headaches. In some cases the noise is picked up by audio equipment installed in the Power Mac, and the motherboard emits its own whine (33/34 Hz)"

I'm not dumping on you, I'm just trying to prevent anybody from making a mistake  

Macs are renowned for their high quality in multi media applications not to mention that Trent Reznor (worship! worship!) and a lot of other high profile artists swear by Macs.  Do some research - bagging the "opposition" on things they're good at is just petty and stupid.

Also I saw some dude in SOS mag (sound on sound) praising beos of all things - apparently it's supposed to be really good at multimedia.  (and he used lots of terms I didn't understand to prove it! ;)  I thought that thing was dead.  :-D  Anyway back in the real world where we can't have just one computer that does nothing but audio / video editing and actually want it to do like word processing and crap as well...

Quit picking on Xine guys, it looks cool.  Anyway it's skinnable so whats the problem?  Maybe some of us dont like a garish 500 pixel border around the movie detracting from our viewing pleasure.


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