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looking to replace Windows Media Player? Need help.

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 the way, please don't suggest me to use QuickTime Player or RealOne Player because both of those are shit on Windows. THanks for any help.  

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Everything is shit on Windows.  Because its on Windows.

Like the "get a mac guy" tried installing Linux lately?  It's super fragilistic and quite a bit less crap than Windows.

edit : realplayer I will admit manages to make the windows experience even more crap

[ August 02, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]

I don't use XP, but for audio CD I use the player that came with my sound card, or WinAmp. For MP3 it's WinAmp. For mods it's Amp. For movies it's QuickTime Pro (if it works). For everything else it's Mplayer2 (6.4 I believe).
A newer version of WMP won't work on this system and I hate it anyway, I had another system with ME installed and WMP7 was the default and I disabled the POS and used Mplayer2 instead (I especially hate the change in shortcut keys).
I haven't yet run into a file that I can't play.


quote:Originally posted by Bigsleep:

I haven't yet run into a file that I can't play.
--- End quote ---

Yeah. I tried running a script of ep Episode 2 in the txt format through WMP. Nothing but trouble. Damned POS.

Fuck winamp and Fuck WMP9... If for some reason you have to use Winders to watch video, go to and get Light Alloy. It's a shareware video player that takes shittons less system resources than mediafucker, and doesnt spy on you...

Fine then...If you guys know of anyone who can write high quality audio drivers for my terratec 6fire audio card, then I will happily switch over to a good linux OS

[ August 04, 2003: Message edited by: wolfkhan ]


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