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vector graphics help
--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---I know some C++ (about 3 credit hours worth ...), enough for making simple games, math programs, small utilities, but probably not enough for doing something like this .... and you need lots of time. I mean usually there is a development team ... not a one man team :)
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There is often a single person working on a single function.
The rest of the Inkscape developers will be developing everything else, whatever interests them. Obviously PS support doesn't interest them.
Knowing C++ is the easy bit, understanding even just the relevant parts of the Inkscape codebase is the hard bit. But worker WAS talking about developing a brand-spanking-new editor, which would be MUCH more work.
Yeah, well maybe you could improve inkscape to do all those things you want ... or you might wanna ask the dev team if they have it planned, and if they don't then maybe they'll listen or maybe not. I don't recommend you start from scratch ... you're gonna end up quitting, it's too big a project to do on your own ... unless you have a lot of time and programming know-how.
P.S. Inkscape is really nice (I just tried it) ... it might be a good starting point
see milestone 11, for inkscape 0.45.
--- Quote from: worker201 ---Hello. I am sick and tired of Adobe's corner on the vector graphics market, and I need your help. My goal is an open-source vector graphics program which is as good as or better than Adobe Illustrator. It will use non-proprietary industry standards (like SVG) at its core, but it will be able to import and export PostScript and PDF. It will be able to deal with Type1, Type2, Type3, OpenType, Freetype, and TrueType fonts interchangeably. It will be able to view and vectorize raster images. Additionally, it will be fully integrated with open source graphics/X, providing such things as thumbnails and other desktop interactivity. Primary focus is on a professional desktop vector graphics system, and specific prepress functions or artistic enhancements will be secondary. I suppose that one day it might be ported to Windows, but I want no part of such a project. However, a .app, like the OSX version of the GIMP which works through Apple X11, will be produced at each development stage.
Unfortunately, the only language I know really well is HTML. I know a decent bit of JavaScript and XML, and a tiny bit of C, C++, PostScript, and Perl.
So ... any ideas, suggestions, directions, volunteers?
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Looking back at this.. Learn Qt! Then you've got a very nice, very cross-platform toolkit, and then you can basically make a start on your project.
I can get you a very nice book on development with Qt 4.1 and C++ (it has an appendix about basic C++ functionality that I found useful too, since I was never good with C++) on whatever platform you want (it has another appendix with instructions for installing Qt/Windows, Qt/Mac, and Qt/X11).
Check out Xara Xtreme too btw.
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