All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Linux is King and will soon Rule
Here is some counterattack.
1) Open Source.
Open Source gives the flexibility to fix things.
2) Rapid Development.
Please I beg anyone in here to show me a faster rapid development pace than Linux has. You have programs being updated and improved all the time. MS has yet to fix bugs and security issues that are 3 years old.
3) Apps for everything.
You dont need to spend thousands of dollars by byuing SW such as DVD app, CD copier app, Compilers, Antivirus, Firewalls, Graphics editing apps, Office apps. Sure you can obtain the same SW with MS but a)You have to have a shitload of money or b) Use allmighty P2P networks and Warez the shit out of everything.
As I said before people are morons. When it comes to Fucking morons, they can simple fade and die away for all I care. We will be better off as a society with out them.If they could they would have a magic button that even fixes their Sexual problems to raising their kids.
Its up to the community to educate the people that dont know any better and the people who dont know any better but want to learn.
The only thing I can see where MS has the edge is when installing programs. And yeah I agree installing new SW can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But thats nothing that the Linux community wont soon fix. And with the plethora of apps that Distros come with, you dont need to install new SW very often.
So please, to whom ever comes here trying to convience us that MS is better, save your horseshit and have a cup of STFU, or come with some STRONG valid points.
quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
Here is some counterattack.
1) Open Source.
Open Source gives the flexibility to fix things.
2) Rapid Development.
Please I beg anyone in here to show me a faster rapid development pace than Linux has. You have programs being updated and improved all the time. MS has yet to fix bugs and security issues that are 3 years old.
3) Apps for everything.
You dont need to spend thousands of dollars by byuing SW such as DVD app, CD copier app, Compilers, Antivirus, Firewalls, Graphics editing apps, Office apps. Sure you can obtain the same SW with MS but a)You have to have a shitload of money or b) Use allmighty P2P networks and Warez the shit out of everything.
As I said before people are morons. When it comes to Fucking morons, they can simple fade and die away for all I care. We will be better off as a society with out them.If they could they would have a magic button that even fixes their Sexual problems to raising their kids.
Its up to the community to educate the people that dont know any better and the people who dont know any better but want to learn.
The only thing I can see where MS has the edge is when installing programs. And yeah I agree installing new SW can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But thats nothing that the Linux community wont soon fix. And with the plethora of apps that Distros come with, you dont need to install new SW very often.
So please, to whom ever comes here trying to convience us that MS is better, save your horseshit and have a cup of STFU, or come with some STRONG valid points.
--- End quote ---
Ha, I think I'm going to like the future of MS OSes. After seeing the Alpha screenshots of the upcoming Longhorn I know it is going to be a great OS. BTW, it is still in will only get better and better as the Beta testing period goes on. I can't wait until it reaches RTM.
Longhorn is going to blow other OSes(Linux especially) out of the water. Palladium hardware will be hitting the shelves soon. ;P
Some Longhorn screenshots.!.jpg
(from the screenshots I see the person is using the I815 chipset w/either a PIII or Celeron that means Longhorn will work on non Palladium hardware).
<---waits patiently on IRC for a leak of this Alpha. :D
I want to see some Linux screenies that even come close to rivaling Longhorns' good looks. ;P
[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Ha, I think I'm going to like the future of MS OSes. After seeing the Alpha screenshots of the upcoming Longhorn I know it is going to be a great OS. BTW, it is still in will only get better and better as the Beta testing period goes on. I can't wait until it reaches RTM.
--- End quote ---
Typical Microsoft mentality. Thinking GUI=OS. You can't tell a blasted thing about an "OS" from screenshots. All I see is more Fisher Price looking crap. Are they giving this stuff out for free? Do they include the source code? Until they do, not interested.
That doesn't look like Fisher Price at all(Luna was fisher price). From my good experiences with NT, I doubt that NT 6 is going to disappoint me(or the millions of other satisfied NT/XP users). Who gives a fuck if it is free or not, most working people can afford to shell out a little money for a good OS. Microsoft doesn't stay in business by giving away thier shit for free. I know that if there is no activation in Longhorn I'll have no problem with buying a legit copy. Also, who gives a fuck about them not giving out thier source code? That would be a huge mstake because then Open Source could actually have a chance of being a viable alternative w/that source code. MS doesn't need people and other companies ripping off thier code.
Windows just keeps getting better and better.
[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
I guess it depends, to me it looks just as Fisher price as XP. But then I could care less about "looks", I care about "acts". And I don't want to have the source to "rip them off". I want to have the source to make sure "they don't rip me off" and I can customize it to my liking, not theirs.
[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
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