All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Linux is King and will soon Rule
Zombie, screens are good to show off window managers/desktop enviroments/GUI's. Linux is none of those. Nuff said.
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Is it just me or do those pics look like the XP Fisher Price theme combined with KDE3 (Bluecurve)?
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Heh, that looks nothing like KDE3. I have used KDE3 before and I must say that I think it looks like crap and is crap. It has no Window background design options, it doesn't have colorful quick task access buttons on the side of the Windows(that can be disabled in Windows if you don't like it), etc.
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
I have a question, in this picture:
Why is "windows update" listed under hardware tasks? Isn't that a software task, or does it mean it will send a MS employee over to your house to upgrade your fritz chip?
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IT is still an Alpha build. Alpha means it is far from being completed. I'm sure MS will have little stuff like that ironed out before it even hits Release Canidate status.
You've used the "Bluecurve" theme? I doubt it. And unlike Windows, you have "complete" custimizability when you have the source code. Since when does KDE not have the ability to custimize Window backgrounds?
Oh my looks like M$ stuck there tumb up there ass with this one. it look like xp for kids :rolleyes:
Im lucky im moving to mandrake 9 as soon as i get my ADSL
ps : this "new" xp ....loghorn what ever.....
looks like someone got stile xp and had a kiddie fild day.. could these pics be fakes ?
[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: M$sucks55 ]
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