All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Linux is King and will soon Rule

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why not? you obviously care that i don't care, or you wouldn't have bothered replying to me!  :D

Yes Void, I was refering to your comments. Your right, all NON GAME programs should die.


quote:Not only does Longhorn look better than Linux, but it will have the nice benefit of compatability w/all Win32 apps and games(unlike Linux). ;P

--- End quote ---
I didn't think that anything could possibly look more Fisher-Price-esque than XP. How wrong I was!    :D    "Longhorn" has got to be the ugliest POS in terms of GUIs of all time. Nothing would drive me to the command line, never to return, faster than that.      
Live Free or Die: Linux

If software can be free, why can't dolphins?

[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

oh I would LOVE to get in on this one, let me lay down an example.  Put a PC running windows in a graphics environment, life span?  bout 6 months, sorry but it's a fact, and if *nix products suck SO much as zombie says.... then WHY would OSX jag, be *nix based?  hmmm... and I had to laugh out load, (which made people stare casue I'm at work) when you said you couldn't chaneg the background in KDE.  Dude, if you can't change the background image in KDE, you haven't used it, and I don't mind hearing people argue if they can argue both side, but you can't so stop.

i cant believe the zealotism in here..
i am dual booting xp pro/red hat8
and red hat kicks ass by the same token I think XP rocks..
i am neither a linux or windows zealot..but alot of youse' guys comments /rants/ etc.. are misplaced ..
i mean some of you anti linux poeple even touch a linux distro, or just jumping on the bandwagon..i cant think i can say the same for the linux comments, cause i think EVERYONE has used a MS system w/ 9x/me/ before..but i have noticed..when some of the people in the linux camp make comments, and say theyve used linux for a long time? how long? if its over 3 years .. their last experience with windows was 9x/me, and both of those SUCK ASS.. now comparing 2k/xp with linux is more apropo. even nt4 is somewhat comparable..
as for someones comment bout the size of installation .. windows 2k with full installation is 900mb+ (just right click on your c:/windows folder and hit properties if you dont believe me)and xp is 1.3-1.5gigs.. now thats JUST THE OS..if thats not bloat, and many people bring up..but with 200gig hardrives these days and the average size hd in computers today is 40gigs..whats the bigdeal if just the OS takes up 4% of the total size right?
but in defence of linux..that 3 isos you install are all the appz youll EVER that person that made that comparison is fulla crap..
as for the apps..lets look at the price..
even if the GIMP(somewhat close to a photoshop equivalent) is 70% of what photoshop can do.. photoshop is 589bucks.. gimp is free id love to have 70% functionality for free then 589bucks down for an app..
abi word is more then enough for most offices.. while office2k was600 office xp was 689 and thats NOT including frontpage, which is 215bucks.. let alone publisher xp which is over 200 sep..
now i'm still a newbie but i'm sure there are comproble appz for office..
and of course theres' according to many software reviews is quite nice even compared to office xp..
and i have a p3-750 w/384mb of ram. i opened up 32 desktops and opened 2 or more appz in each one.. NOTHING SLOWED down.. since xp/2k dont have virtual desktop(xp has one, but only 4 virtual desktops) can you open up over 50 appz on windows?
can the average person AFFORD 50 appz for windows?
(forget the warez argument)
so if you are willing to tweak, configure, tinker with an OS you can make more personal then windows will EVER be.and you can handle the reading, searching, forums, etc etc etc to do it.. and willing to take on the learning curve then LINUX is for you..if you like the ease of one click "setup.exe" or if you just wanna slide by and just get on the internet, burn a few cd's and send emails.. and chat.. then windows is all you ever need... but if you want more.. nothing as i can see it, gives more of hands on persona experience then LINUX..
but then again, if you cant take the heat..but to bitch and call others names and prove this and that..its like apples and on the other hand lkes the best of both worlds and bitches bout either..i dual boot..
perhaps some of you should too..i mean if you can even understand and RTFM
goodnight all

OH AND BY THE WAY on a few other forums and chatrooms it was already determined, at least i heard the same remarks in many places.that those LONGHORN pictures are just some dude that skined windows XP with some fancy photoshop work.
but then again, just what ive heard/read

[ November 03, 2002: Message edited by: i12bcd8d ]


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