All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Linux is King and will soon Rule
Is it just me or do those pics look like the XP Fisher Price theme combined with KDE3 (Bluecurve)?
[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
Well, all other incarnations of NT have been very good for me(in the way they act). I was satisfied with Win2K and its' ugly Win9x looking GUI because it was rock stable and it performed very well. XP didn't change the act factor for me(it performs well and is stable for me also)...only it looks better(No I don't use Luna, I choose from non MS themes that I like and if I had the time I could make my own theme) and it has much better support for Legacy stuff.
I don't imagine that Longhorn is going to be worse than XP...It will be better(in looks, speed, stability and Legacy Support).
Palladium is going to give Open Source a nice kick in the ass..I can see it now. Hell, Linux is having problems with competing with Windows on non-Palladium hardware that can actually run what makes you think the magical under 1% userbase of Linux is going to increase when systems that Linux won't run on hit the air?
Whataloadyshite ! Fisher Price right enough.
How do you know the magic Linux userbase is not at 10%? There's no way to prove it. And like I said, until they give me the source code so I can make sure they are not "ripping me off" or "spying" on me. And so I can customize the software to work how "I" want it to work, and not the other way around, I am not interested in it.
I have a question, in this picture:
Why is "windows update" listed under hardware tasks? Isn't that a software task, or does it mean it will send a MS employee over to your house to upgrade your fritz chip?
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