All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Linux is King and will soon Rule

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zombie 90210, have a look at these screenshots:






Commodore 64


Xerox Alto


Now, i would be the first to admit that none of those user interfaces looks particularly appealing, however, i think that most if not all of those machines/systems/interfaces had and have more influence on and importance regarding the course of computing than windows or microsoft ever have or had.

hey zombie, i'll be interested to know when you provide with hard, provable facts. so far, you've given us nothing but your own opinions/speculations, and "it looks pretty!"...


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:

Zombie, your problem is is that you are retarded and dont realize that Windows is utterly flawed... You might ask "Whats wrong with it" and here we go: .EXE theres your flaw, executable permissions set by File extensions.

Have a nice day!

YOu just keep supporting a Monopoly that will buy out everything unless it is stopped, thats your problem, you dont see past whats yours. Because your an ignorant prick. You dont care about what Microsoft are doing because if you did it might mean that you will do somthing about it, but of cource there would be nothing in that for you would there, nooooo, there isnt. So you dont care you just keep using Operating Systems with 35 year old flaws and problems in the Interface. What you need to do is stop being so selfish and think about things other then yourself.

Of cource you wouldnt do that because you have no social consience and your offically... A RETARD. You have a obsession with your self... That is a disorder... Find a cure.
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Ehh, this is coming from somebody who self promotes his own crappy software so much that his fellow Linuxites call him a troll? Haha, you are funny man. BTW, if I'm so retarded then how do I manage to keep my nice paying job, how come I know how to manage my money so well that I can afford about anything I want *after* paying the bills, why did I do well in school and still manage to have friends and have girlfriends, etc. ?

You Aussies are so damn dense. Every last one of you make no fucking sense at all(most Aussies have to say the word fuckin every other word when they yada yada fuckin yada yada fuckin yada yada), you shit heads talk like you have taffy stuck in your teeth and you all think your ways are perfect and every other nationality(especially Americans) are so bad. You are probably one of those Aussies who sit around and drink beer all day everyday. You probably get so drunk that you start to find Walabes and Kangaroos attractive.         :eek:        

Anyways, enough rambling. Go suck a monkeys' cock and quit talking to me already. I don't like you and I don't think that you make any fucking sense.

(EDIT)This is interesting. You already publicly admited that you are fucking retarded in this thread(see reply #6).

[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by distortion:
hey zombie, i'll be interested to know when you provide with hard, provable facts. so far, you've given us nothing but your own opinions/speculations, and "it looks pretty!"...
--- End quote ---

You'll be interested to know what? I need a more complete statement if you actually expect for me to build a reply from it.  ;)

BTW, isn't the whole OS wars about opinions and speculations? When a Linuxite says Linux is better than Windoze, yada yada that is an opinion. When a Linuxite says that Linux will overthrow Windows that is speculation.

Fact - Microsoft is the dominating force(and has been the dominating force for years now) in the software, OS market.

Fact - Open Source software only imitates what popular closed source software has been able to do for years.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

You'll be interested to know what? I need a more complete statement if you actually expect for me to build a reply from it.   ;)  

BTW, isn't the whole OS wars about opinions and speculations? When a Linuxite says Linux is better than Windoze, yada yada that is an opinion. When a Linuxite says that Linux will overthrow Windows that is speculation.

Fact - Microsoft is the dominating force(and has been the dominating force for years now) in the software, OS market.

Fact - Open Source software only imitates what popular closed source software has been able to do for years.
--- End quote ---

OMG, what do you smoke man? It must be some real bad weed?

  Windows even from the days of DOS is a fucking copycat.Read your history before you open your mouth.


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