All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Linux is King and will soon Rule

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quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:

OMG, what do you smoke man? It must be some real bad weed?

  Windows even from the days of DOS is a fucking copycat.Read your history before you open your mouth.
--- End quote ---

What does Windows copy? It doesn't copy MacOS, Unix, Linux, BeOS, etc. It looks, feels and works nothing like any other OS.

Perhaps maybe MS didn't invent GUI(neither did Apple though mind you). GUI was invented by Xerox(so technically Windows, MacOS, Linux Window Managers, BeOS, etc. stole the GUI idea from Xerox). Really, I want to know what Windows copies. Looking at distros like Lycoris and Lindows it is obvious that Linux tries to *COPY* Windows.

Whats next, are you going to say that MS technologies like DirectX are copied even though you know that no other OS has a propriarity hardware acceleration API?

[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Tell me man, do you have a life?

 Your comments are so moronic that I wont even bother to respond right now. Instead I will continue reading for my Midterm for c++

 Now if you had some brains up there, i wouldnt mind  devoting a good half hour for you.

 But i think you know better than that.
A) You are Just a forum troll


B) You are just a brainwashed  idiot.

 There is no big difference between those two come to think of it.

 Hold your thoughts untill I have the time to reply to you as i realy want.

 Untill then, do the three finger salute few times.


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
Tell me man, do you have a life?

 Your comments are so moronic that I wont even bother to respond right now. Instead I will continue reading for my Midterm for c++

 Now if you had some brains up there, i wouldnt mind  devoting a good half hour for you.

 But i think you know better than that.
A) You are Just a forum troll


B) You are just a brainwashed  idiot.

 There is no big difference between those two come to think of it.

 Hold your thoughts untill I have the time to reply to you as i realy want.

 Untill then, do the three finger salute few times.
--- End quote ---

No, the only reason you won't reply is because you don't have an answer. You know as well as I know that Windows looks nothing like, works nothing like and feels nothing like any other OS. Therefore, Windows isn't a copy of anything. You also know that it is true that Linux becomes more and more Windows like every time a new distro is released(Redhat is becoming more and more like Windows, Lycoris and Lindows already try to be exactly like Windows).

Now tell me buddy, what did MS copy?

As I said fucktard, I have a Midterm tomorow so FUCK OFF!!!

 You want to educate your piss poor brain?

Here The doors are wide open

  Also do some search on this Web Site and you will find some Links that will educate you.

 Its in front of you fucktard and its simple to understand it.

 But as I said,,

A) You are a troll
B) You are an idiot.


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
As I said fucktard, I have a Midterm tomorow so FUCK OFF!!!

 You want to educate your piss poor brain?

Here The doors are wide open

  Also do some search on this Web Site and you will find some Links that will educate you.

 Its in front of you fucktard and its simple to understand it.

 But as I said,,

A) You are a troll
B) You are an idiot.
--- End quote ---

As I said,

A)You can't give me a good reply because you don't have one. End of story.

Now, if you are so hell bent on doing your fucking homework get the hell off of the internet and go do it already. You realize that you are wasting time replying to anybody in a forum when you have homework to do don't you?
Hit the books already junior. ;P


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