All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Linux is King and will soon Rule
To show that I'm not bullshitting about Linux trying to *imitate* Windows, have a look at this.
These are Lycoris screenies.
Link to images damnit!
Arg! linky linky!
guk! can't... breathe!... Images... too.. large... !
ho hum, yes you guessed it, another image
Wow. i am so glad you linked to all these images.
image, image image.
LAST ONE!!!! (can you believe it?
The stupid OS even has a Lycoris Update(like Windows Update) and it has Wizards(like Windows).
Now tell me, who copies who?
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
[edited by somebody who knows how to link to images]
[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum & his insidious little spies ]
The Windows GUI is a complete rip off of the Mac. They licenced parts of it for fucks sake! What they didn't licence they promptly stole. And M$ is for "protection of Intellectual Property"? Hippocrates.
DOS is a DIRECT rip off of everything that was out at the time.
The Lycoris GUI is SUPPOSED to be like that. It's supposed to give people a familiar feel who want to switch from Windows.
Gnome 2 comes damn close to rivaling the looks of something that won't be coming out for another 3 years.
And they were right about Linux. You can't knock on it: It's just a core. Gnome, KDE, IceWM, Enlightement, etc. are what you look at when you "see" Linux.
Are you FOR palladium!? Are you for losing all of your rights to listen to music and watch movies where you damn well please?! Then support Palladium all you fucking want. Don't come running back whining when you can't copy a song from a CD to your MP3 player.
Other than making another taskbar and making it transparent, Longhorn doesn't look like an advance in technology. They changed the way the windows look a little *OOH*
What a load of crap.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
quote: Hit the books already junior. ;P
--- End quote ---
Don't say this. I consider dejecting someone because of their age very insulting. Age is just a number, not a measure of someone's intelligence.
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
The Windows GUI is a complete rip off of the Mac. They licenced parts of it for fucks sake! What they didn't licence they promptly stole. And M$ is for "protection of Intellectual Property"? Hippocrates.
DOS is a DIRECT rip off of everything that was out at the time.
The Lycoris GUI is SUPPOSED to be like that. It's supposed to give people a familiar feel who want to switch from Windows.
Gnome 2 comes damn close to rivaling the looks of something that won't be coming out for another 3 years.
And they were right about Linux. You can't knock on it: It's just a core. Gnome, KDE, IceWM, Enlightement, etc. are what you look at when you "see" Linux.
Are you FOR palladium!? Are you for losing all of your rights to listen to music and watch movies where you damn well please?! Then support Palladium all you fucking want. Don't come running back whining when you can't copy a song from a CD to your MP3 player.
Other than making another taskbar and making it transparent, Longhorn doesn't look like an advance in technology. They changed the way the windows look a little *OOH*
What a load of crap.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]
--- End quote ---
Windows 3.1 was like a rip-off of MacOS. Windows 3.1 wan't an OS either, it was an app that functioned as an easy to use DOS Shell(IBM copied Win 3.1 with OS/2 Warp). Windows 95 was an OS of it's own(the only DOS dependcy it had was to use it to boot didn't rely on DOS to configure drivers, IRQ's etc.). Nothing about it(except the recycle bin) resembled MacOS at all. So the Windows that everyone has become aquianted to is not a copy of a god damn thing.
DOS was created by MS and IBM. MS bought IBM's slice of the pie so MS legally obtained and had rights to DOS. There was no other OS out there at the time that DOS could've possibly copied.
Why can't Mac biggots understand and face the simple fact that Apple did not invent GUI. Xerox invented it and Apple used it(Apple didn't innovate a god damn thing). When you see any GUI(wether it be Windows, MacOS, a Linux WM, etc.) you should be thanking Xerox for inventing it..not Apple.
For the Longhorn isn't any better than XP comment. Longhorn has a long way to go before it goes gold. Now if you want to talk about upgrades that don't mean much lets talk about those OSX updates that cost you money everytime you upgrade. What is so different about Jaguar that sets it apart from OSX 10.1.4? Is it just minor GUI changes? LoL Also, why does Apple charge for services that should be free(services that you paid for when you bought your copy of OSX)?
What was so different between MacOS 8, 8.1 and 9? Not much...but they were all updates that costed money.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Windows 3.1 was like a rip-off of MacOS. Windows 3.1 wan't an OS either, it was an app that functioned as an easy to use DOS Shell(IBM copied Win 3.1 with OS/2 Warp). Windows 95 was an OS of it's own(the only DOS dependcy it had was to use it to boot didn't rely on DOS to configure drivers, IRQ's etc.). Nothing about it(except the recycle bin) resembled MacOS at all. So the Windows that everyone has become aquianted to is not a copy of a god damn thing.
DOS was created by MS and IBM. MS bought IBM's slice of the pie so MS legally obtained and had rights to DOS. There was no other OS out there at the time that DOS could've possibly copied.
Why can't Mac biggots understand and face the simple fact that Apple did not invent GUI. Xerox invented it and Apple used it(Apple didn't innovate a god damn thing). When you see any GUI(wether it be Windows, MacOS, a Linux WM, etc.) you should be thanking Xerox for inventing it..not Apple.
For the Longhorn isn't any better than XP comment. Longhorn has a long way to go before it goes gold. Now if you want to talk about upgrades that don't mean much lets talk about those OSX updates that cost you money everytime you upgrade. What is so different about Jaguar that sets it apart from OSX 10.1.4? Is it just minor GUI changes? LoL Also, why does Apple charge for services that should be free(services that you paid for when you bought your copy of OSX)?
What was so different between MacOS 8, 8.1 and 9? Not much...but they were all updates that costed money.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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8 to 8.1 was free. LOOK IT UP BEFORE YOU SAY IT.
Jaguar was a massive improvement over 10.1.5. It was much faster, much smoother. It has better memory management and Quartz Extreme, which accounts for most of the speed. Worth the $130 I spent on it.
I'm not anymore of a bigot than you are.
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