All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Linux is King and will soon Rule

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Personally, I don't really care about how pretty the GUI looks.  I like it simple and to the point.  I personally prefer the Windows 3.1 look than I do the 95 look.  But I still prefer how Windows 98 and Windows 2000 look to how Windows XP looks.  I'm actually kind of turned off from Windows XP because of its appearance (there are other reasons, but that's beyond the scope of what I'm talking about)  For the same reason, I don't care much for the GNOME desktop, because it seems too focused on looks for me.  I prefer KDE, because it seems more no-nonsense to me.

But I'm probably not making much sense here, so I'll shut up now.....

I think y'all should take the linux cock out of your asses and have a good laugh:

seen it, it's old news.

now in answer to zombie648326345:
you have a fucking nerve, mormon. You are the one who fails to answer questions time after time. It's rich to see you accusing somebody else of it, and as for your blowharding about 'everybody stole the GUI from Xerox', as it happens, Xerox PARC was research only. Xerox set it up so they could get the jump on the paperless office if it ever happened. It didn't happen so Xerox did not market any of their groundbreaking stuff. They were the first to come up with 2.56Mbps ethernet but they chose to spend another six years developing 10Mbps ethernet because they reckoned that that would be what people were using in 2000 (this in the mid seventies!) They didn't market the alto, an office microcomputer, they didn't market anything with a GUI, although they did come up with the concept of bitmapping as standard out. also, operating systems, machines, everything that Xerox developed, that was supposedly copied by somebody else was developed from (or almost from) scratch by whoever 'stole' the idea.
I don't think patenting should be allowed for software. Copyrighting of course, patenting no. The GUI cannot be copyrighted and should not be patented. Somebody's unique take on the GUI can be copyrighted though, and that's how it should be.

Also, windows' GUI is a direct copy of MacOS' GUI. the two projects have forked a bit over the years but when Apple and M$ made their deal (that M$ broke) Gates and Allen actually left the final deal carrying some Apple machines away with them for dissection and analysis. Also, you conveniently forget that the 'windows 95 taskbar' which is the only part of the windows GUI i cannot see in MacOS, was present in RiscOS in 1988! so suck it, dumbass.

why must i cover this ground over and over for you, zombie? can't you read? can't you type the word 'google' into your address bar like everybody else? WHY??????

as i said before, shut up when you talk to me.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

As I said,

A)You can't give me a good reply because you don't have one. End of story.

Now, if you are so hell bent on doing your fucking homework get the hell off of the internet and go do it already. You realize that you are wasting time replying to anybody in a forum when you have homework to do don't you?
Hit the books already junior. ;P
--- End quote ---

As I said you piece of donkeys shit I was reading for my midterm.


   Fallow the God Damn Links in this web site and see what am talking about. I am not gonna take by the hand a fucking shitard like you.

  So fuck off. I have better things to do than try to open your eyes. You are already made your mind about everything.

  The screenshots that you gave dont mean shit. Its just a way to make the users do an easy transition from Windos to Linux VISUAL wise, and nothing more.

 Tell me fucktard, who 1st created the so called Dirty Operating System?
  Here is another one for you,  MOSAIC....have you heard of them you fucktard???
 Yes your precious IE is a fucking rip off you moronic piece of shit. And a bad rip off at best.

 So shut your mouth and read your history!


[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]


quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:

As I said you piece of donkeys shit I was reading for my midterm.


   Fallow the God Damn Links in this web site and see what am talking about. I am not gonna take by the hand a fucking shitard like you.

  So fuck off. I have better things to do than try to open your eyes. You are already made your mind about everything.

  The screenshots that you gave dont mean shit. Its just a way to make the users do an easy transition from Windos to Linux VISUAL wise, and nothing more.

 Tell me fucktard, who 1st created the so called Dirty Operating System?
  Here is another one for you,  MOSAIC....have you heard of them you fucktard???
 Yes your precious IE is a fucking rip off you moronic piece of shit. And a bad rip off at best.

 So shut your mouth and read your history!


[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
--- End quote ---

Did you just graduate from the 3rd grade? My 10 year old cousin can compose better sentences than you can. Your profile says that you are 27 years old but you speak like your 11 years old? You have to do homework? I don't think that you are 27 years old. If you really are you need to grow up and act like it.

Blah blah blah blah fukin blah blah shit blah blah fucktard, blah blah blah ass blah blah. Hey! You wouldn't happen to be one of those Aussies would you be? ROFLMFAO

I'm not going to call you a fucktard. I am going to call you wetawded though.


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