All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Linux is King and will soon Rule

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Try doing full time school and full time work (most of the times second shift), then come and talk to me fucktard.  
 Sorry if you cant stand the cursing. I will send you a dress and some nail polish. Sorry if I invade your little Internet world with some "sailor talk".

 Tough shit for you.

But once again, you avoid the subject when somebody hands to you some facts.

 As i said. Prove me wrong about MOSAIC and about Dirty Operating System.

 YOU CANT  and YOU DIDNT,  because these are historical facts!
 You have been owned so many times in here by other members, that I wonder if you enjoy the bitch slaping.

 Now go ahead and continue being the village idiot  for these forums. We like having you here   :D  . It breaks the boredom.

 Once in a while I will flame you, when i want to get some juices flowing.  :D


and zombie5730985793, will you answer my post? no. you prefer slinging mud. Also, to comment on the 'dirty operating system', it was actually created by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products. The system was actually illegally ripped off from CP/M, the first microcomputer operating system, written by Gary Kildall, founder of Digital Research. Kildall was actually IBM's first choice when they were looking to buy a system for their first personal computer, however Kildall's crappy timekeeping and unsociableness made them go to Bill Gates, with whom they were already negotiating for a BASIC compiler.

[edit - ]So IBM were sold the 'MS-DOS' by Gates, who then proceeded to go and buy it from Seattle Computer Products outright for US$50,000 which would have been a lot, if IBM had decided to renege on the deal (a 'right' that they reserve in all their deals). Of course, Gates didn't have DOS when he sold it, and Seattle Computer Products didn't know Gates would licence it to IBM when he bought it off them.[/end of edit]

So, take that either way you like, but to me it shows that not only Microsoft, but Seattle Computer Products were filthy plagiarists. here's a quote from Gary Kildall, who wrote CP/M in the first place:    
quote:G. Kildall:
Ask Bill why function code 6 [in QDOS and still in MS-DOS] ends in a dollar sign. No one in the world knows that but me.
--- End quote ---

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum & his insidious little spies ]

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Calum & his insidious little spies ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

You'll be interested to know what? I need a more complete statement if you actually expect for me to build a reply from it.    ;)  

BTW, isn't the whole OS wars about opinions and speculations? When a Linuxite says Linux is better than Windoze, yada yada that is an opinion. When a Linuxite says that Linux will overthrow Windows that is speculation.

Fact - Microsoft is the dominating force(and has been the dominating force for years now) in the software, OS market.

Fact - Open Source software only imitates what popular closed source software has been able to do for years.
--- End quote ---

we have presented numorous reasons of why linux is better then windows. for example, it's free, it has been stable almost since the day it was concived, and there are plenty of applications out there for it that can do just about anything you would concivably want to do.

you have done nothing but but say "this feature or that feature is great!" without really giving a reason for why you believe that.

so what i'm basically saying is "why don't you act like a salesman?"

now, you did say that microsoft is a dominating force. that pretty irrefutable. however, why is that good?

you second fact, however, sounds like an opinion, so why don't you cite some examples other then the gui?

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: distortion ]


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