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I am dumb, I need help

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--- Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H ---Hmmm ... but as ajaxscetch says you need FF in order to use it (IE and Opera probably won't handle them to well if at all) ... how many people use FF ? Those are the only people who will be able to use it (unless they switch of course). It's true that javascript is quite easy to use and learn, and you can do a lot with it (although not all too reliable from my experiences with it), but I dunno, I wouldn't use it for anything too important.
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It is possible to make an SVG editor conforming to W3C standards + Javascript - using XHTML/HTML and SVG (and CSS for style if you like) from the w3c standards.

That's what I (kinda) did. The ajaxsketch guys didn't, they decided to use XUL for the UI (since XUL rocks for that kinda stuff. Did you notice that it's consistent with your firefox theme? That's no coincidence. Change the theme and the theme on ajaxsketch will change too (that's just one small benefit - the app programmers didn't design a theme (but they can if they want), they use whatever FF theme is in use)), hence the requirement of Firefox.

What's your experience with JS? Google, Windows Live etc all rely on it for a lot of their huge webapps, so they'd want it to be reliable!

plus - you can't really say a language is unreliable, it's implementation in the different browsers might be however.

I would offer input...but it would redefine dumb....


--- Quote from: xylon ---I don't know. Did you get it working regardless?
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Gonna try your solution out tonight.  Since I am sitting in front of a networked computer with a USBstick, to copy the code.

I'm certain the source stuff will work out.  But don't you have to use CDATA escapes when using the tag, even if it is empty?  I strive for strict XHTML compliance.

No, not if it is in the head of the document. I have never had any issues with it anyways.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---plus - you can't really say a language is unreliable, it's implementation in the different browsers might be however.
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yes, the implementation is unreliable, I mean if you make a program you want it to work reliably with more than just FF, or you'll be tied to it and so will everyone else using your program. Besides, not all browsers are W3C compliant (I'm sure you can think of a few examples :)) ... the code wouldn't work properly there

My experiences with javascript are mostly just making small scripts for recreational purposes, unfortunately I've had some problems using different browsers and different versions of FF with em ... which is kinda strange, maybe it was due to some bug ... or maybe I'm not very good with javascript.


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