All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why do you hate Windows XP
Of all the things ever despised in these forums, the thing that makes most of you go into the biggest rage is whenever anyone mentions Windows XP. Why is this? Why the extreme XP loathing? Windows XP is basically just Windows NT 5.1, and I've actually heard some of you Microsoft haters praise Windows NT/2000 before. Furthermore, of all the versions of Windows, Windows XP is the best. So why does it bear most of the hatred?
quote: Windows XP is basically just Windows NT 5.1
--- End quote ---
notice the word basically, windows xp is the only OS i know of that can lock you out of it. the reason i hate it is becuase it deoisnt' like samba too much :mad: and i had to jump through flaming hopes to get my friends network to work .
it's not the only reason, its just the one i am pissed off about right now there are many more
[ June 13, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]
Hey Gates XPee Drinker #5225982375:
I have read alot of your posts, and I'm sorry to say, not one has posed even a decent argument for running XP. You ask all the questions, but never answer the ones asked of you. Have you ever even seen a Linux box in action, much less logged in and rooted your friends NT box with it. Yes linux isn't as easy to use as some other crap OSs, and granted you probably couldn't get past the Login: prompt, but when you can do a real comparison go ahead and tell us what you think.... You'll probably join us.
sad but true, one of my friends tryed linux then hated it for a while, then he tried it with an open mind and found out that windows doesn't stack up to the advanced features of unix
Master of Reality:
I didnt like Linux very much at first (a couple years ago) and then switched back to windows. But windows was absolutly horrible and kept getting me more pissed off, and i tried Linux again and noticed that it looked a lot better than last time. And now that I have started using Linux again just as KDE 3.0 came out, it is amazing compared to... any OS.
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