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Why do you hate Windows XP

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I don't mind  Canadian but i find american too nasal to really decipher. After about a week in the US i start to understand them better though. And if you want an english accent choose a down to earth scottish or northern english one rather than a prissy southern one.

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Calum:
none of you can say 'house' or 'about' properly!   :D  
--- End quote --- do you say house? Hasnt anyone seen that Molson Canadian Commercial? I know someone that went to some foreign country (i think it was italy... or spain) on a tour bus she said the whole 'I am Canadian' speech from the commercial over the intercom.

The problem with windows XP is that it is Utterly bloated out of all proportion with no obvious improvements to account for its massive increase in size. Windows XP also assumes you are stupid in the way it does things, it will not let you configure your system in the way you want, but instead configures the system in the way IT wants, usually at an inconvenience to the operator. It is chock full of backward-compatability issues. And , after careful scrutiny WindowsXP really does seem to be just a huge bloated lump of spyware thinly disguised as an OS. I would think very carefully about installing it on any PC unless you have another one handy to use while your trying to get XP to work efficiently. Many drivers you download for an XP upgrade simply will not work. As usual, our dear mr gates has released in incomplete package full of bugs and bloat as "the big new thing", Plus, he has deliberately made it totally incompatable with his previous releases so everyone who "upgrades"  will have to spend money in other areas (that he no doubt has interests in). I imagine the next "big new thing" from microsoft will be presented to us before very long in the form of say..... XP second edition?
So what is all this shit he puts us through? I mean, lets face it folks, win98 was an improvement over win95, but all releases since then have basically been bug fixes for the previous release because none of them have ever worked properly. And now XP is basically NT version 6ish.
    Did you know that the US Navy controls its submarines with Windows NT? A program that has been plagued with bugs (including security holes) since its release. Did you know that in 1997 a missile cruiser was rendered DEAD IN THE WATER  because of a calculating glitch in NT. The program was marketed as being secure but haS so many holes that hackers say NT stands for Nice Try.
     I would also like to point out that if you or I bought a car or a house or stereo, blender, chainsaw, toothpick... you name it, ... whatever.... if we bought it and it didnt work, we could take it back to the place of purchase for replacement, repair or refund. Yet if we buy an item of software and it dosent work and we lose all our work of years, our business or our life because of it,  the company is not liable???  How does that work? Can I have one of those arrangements for my company too? It seems like a licence to print money to me...I could do with one of those

yeah, i was reading about that, amusing, since they just "upgraded" from unix

I LOATHE windows xp. its on some of the computers at uni and its so bloody slow..and this is one a Pentium 3 or 4 800 MhZ with 256 meg ram... hmm...

I wont even consider putting it on my little pentium 266/128mb ram/4gig HDD.. and it probably wont have enough HDD space either.

Sigh.. i wish i can run Mac OS instead.



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