All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why do you hate Windows XP

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And by the way, I don't run XP because of moral reasons AND it pisses me off.  I had to setup a demo SQL server on a new machine that came pre-loaded with XP.  After the activation bullshit, it told me that SQL Server isn't supported under XP Professional. WHY! There is no reason that SQL could not run under XP Pro, only that M$ wants you to buy a more expensive version of windows to run as a DB server.  That pisses me off.  They've also excluded using PCAnywhere or any other non-M$ tool to remotely administer a machine unless both machines are running XP.  Just more of the same shit with M$ forcing me to do something that I don't want to do.

o, so your telling me that nautlilus runs fast, its part of gnome, i hardly think so, nautlius is slow on anything including my friend's new athlon xp1700, /*xp as in the processor not os*/, well konquerer is quite quick on my laptop

I admit nautilus is horse shit.  Konqueror is far, far better than that abomination.

hehehe,a s for moral issues, i didn't start getting into the moral issue of linux until a year after i started using it. me was da warez biyatch, hehehe, i even had a windows me cd that came up with the serial already in place. i switched cuase linux obeyed me and gave me far more control then windows ever did, and did't crash more


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Of all the things ever despised in these forums, the thing that makes most of you go into the biggest rage is whenever anyone mentions Windows XP.  Why is this?  Why the extreme XP loathing?  Windows XP is basically just Windows NT 5.1, and I've actually heard some of you Microsoft haters praise Windows NT/2000 before.  Furthermore, of all the versions of Windows, Windows XP is the best.  So why does it bear most of the hatred?
--- End quote ---

Well.. my favourite XP-marketer. Have you replaced the previous guy from m$ dickware that tried to convince us of m$ goodness? Your tone has radically changed and you are even capable of making valid arguments (biased and very far from true.. but still).

Do you try to collect information on to m$ anti-linux campaign?

This time you have even got the names right concerning linux desktop.. Didn't your "linux is inferior software" shit work? And now you try different approach.. more polite and and speaking about the desktop (the only thing in linux that m$ can dream to argue for) I refer to your posts about kde and gnome stuff.

I'll answer for you only once more (your bla bla has taken too much of my time.)

quote: Why the extreme XP loathing?
--- End quote ---

The reason: XP is constrictive spyware.

quote: I've actually heard some of you Microsoft haters praise Windows NT/2000 before.
--- End quote ---

NONE of m$ dickware so called "operation systems" are good! Every windows version has severe flaws and security issues (search the web I won't bother to provide links) The only reason I mentioned NT4 (or dos) is that even unstable crappy NT4 can actually do things better than w2kp or xPiss. (Even shit's colour can vary       :D      )

Don't bother to argue this.. I have given examples and answered for you ad nauseum.

quote: Furthermore, of all the versions of Windows, Windows XP is the best.
--- End quote ---

one question: How you know this is true? What makes you feel this is the case? That phrase isn't a fact like "humans are mortal creatures"

[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: SingleMalt ]


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