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Why do you hate Windows XP
hmmm, on the desktop area, lets compare ximian evolution to outlook. which one is most likey to comprimise your computer....
linux is frustrating as hell until you get all the commands by buying a $50 book (Canadian dollars) all based on commands (Linux In A Nutshell) then writing down other commands on a sheet of paper such as xinit, tar zxvf, how nice works, how the --prefix command works and so on..
after going to windows i noticed just how slow windows really was. my Celeron 500 boots into KDE in about....30 seconds i'd say, my AthlonXP 1700+ which is hella fast takes about 5 full minutes to boot WinXP Home then stop thinking (i mean when you can actually click on stuff and it pops up immediately instead of waiting 10 seconds before it even starts to load.
another pet peave about Linux is that absolutely NOTHING runs when i just click on it, i NEED to use the makes me learn very fast but it's a bitch sometimes.. like if i click on a shell script, it does nothing, if i click on an executable, it does nothing. Mandrake 8.0 btw
on a side notes, isn't WinXP supposed to be WinNT 6.0? there was NT4.0 then there was 2000 which was NT5.0 and now XP which is NT6.0
that's what i heard anyway
[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]
no it's NT 5.1
This thread is thick as mince. I don't hate XP, as i have never used it, although i do disapprove of it since it is more a marketting tool than a computer one.
At least topics like this keep XP Loser in his own threads with his moronic arguments and the huge number of irritated responses he generates.
why I dislike xp?
1. WPA
2. M$'s EULA
3. irq steering
4. nagging for updates
5. uninstallable middleware
6. it sucks with old DOS games
7. poor performance with games (see point 3)
8. poor security
9. The way it treats you like a complete idiot
then again, point 9 would be in xp luser's advantage
[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]
how does this forum attract people like this, it makes me wonder
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