All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why do you hate Windows XP
Gee, copying Mac OS 9 dialogs and changing them...
Your pethetic man... idiot...
("Aaack". Totally realistic *NOT*)
First of all, do not compare Win2k with Windoze XP. Although, they both seem to rely on the same (more or less) kernel, the latter has been so much tampered with, in order to be more user friendly than some of the previous NT versions, that you can't really call it NT any more. By that, I'm simply saying that M$ tried to bundle the Win32 API into the NT kernel to make it much more user friendly (yak!).
Actually, i like windows XP. The thing is, the stupid cd is ridiculously expensive. In order for a clean install(the method that works best) of XP home edition, i would have to pay $200 and an additional $100 for the "pro" version which is EXACTLY the same. Normally i would just obtain a compatible serial# from some site and a Windows cd from a friend (i've paid M$ enough in oems, keyboards, software, games, etc. for this to be justified) but Xp's stringent registration process cannot be passed. Regardless of XP's merits, the fact remains that the OS is costly and overrated. A few years ago this would not be a valid reply as macs were not fully compatible and linux distros were for techies, but the times have changed and it is becoming ever more apparent that windows is lacking. Why should i pay an additional 100 dollars for XP pro when Redhat's pro edition is an actual PRO OS, including additional documentation and cd's. Also, XP's user friendly advantage is no longer an issue now that the Lycoris desktop/lx release is imminent.
We have in one computers WIndows XP at my work and I installed XP at a friend's computer.
why i hate XP?
a) The activation shit. If i payt for something I own it. PERIOD. I dont need to pay more if i wanna install it on my second PC.
b) The fact that it does not give me total control. When XP doesnt agree with you, thats the end of the story. You dont have much say.
c) The look and functionality of XP is pure copycat from KDE-Gnome and Macs. The feel of IE is stolen from Galeon and such other borwsers. The taskbar also is a copycat from Linux and Macs.
d) Overpriced and no need for it in the market. Win2k does a much better job than XP.
e) I dont want the FUCKING thing chasing my ass like a horny bitch, asking me to sing in for a.NET passport all the time.
Thats about it.
I mainly use Linux (RH and Mandrake) and FreeBSD. When i wanna play a game i go to WIN98.
[ June 21, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
Even my mum who is fairly computer illiterate knows how dodgy and unreliable Microsoft products are (Especially window$)
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