Author Topic: Why do you hate Windows XP  (Read 7929 times)


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #45 on: 23 June 2002, 12:28 »
did i here someone say that the slowest pentium was a 75 mhz. this 60 mhz dell sitting by my desk tells me other wise. im thinking about overclocking it to a whopping 66 mhz. as for xp luser. ignore this dumb shite idiot. even my dad how won't switch to linux says that microsoft sucks. and yes unfortuatly ibm did let ms slip away. o btw the 60 mhz dell is running the latest debian. hahahhaha i put a modern os on it. try that with windows,
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #46 on: 24 June 2002, 04:30 »
I was thinking 60 too, and I originally had that in my message, but then I did a search and found a page that said 75 Mhz was the earliest Pentium.  Obviously it was wrong.  Good catch.  Now how do you clock your Pentium down to 51Mhz????? Or maybe a more appropriate question, why?  Could it have been on a 486 Motherboard that was maybe Pentium ready but only ran at 50 Mhz?

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #47 on: 24 June 2002, 04:43 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I was thinking 60 too, and I originally had that in my message, but then I did a search and found a page that said 75 Mhz was the earliest Pentium.  Obviously it was wrong.  Good catch.  Now how do you clock your Pentium down to 51Mhz????? Or maybe a more appropriate question, why?  Could it have been on a 486 Motherboard that was maybe Pentium ready but only ran at 50 Mhz?

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

It is easy to underclock a Pentium to 50mhz. Set the multiplier for the CPU on the motherboard(via a jumper) to 1x and set the FSB to 50mhz(via a jumper). Why anyone would want to underclock thier CPU is beyond me. Speaking of Pentiums, I remember my old 133mhz Pentium. It overclocked to 180mhz and always ran stable (3x multiplier 60mhz FSB).

His 50mhz Pentium may be a 486 overdrive chip..or he may even have the very first pentium(the one that is larger than a Socket 7 Pentium and has a gold colored plate over the chip....I think it was like Socket 6 or something like that).

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #48 on: 24 June 2002, 04:47 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Gee, copying Mac OS 9 dialogs and changing them...

Your pethetic man... idiot...

("Aaack". Totally realistic *NOT*)

Yeah, He is just as pathetic as the other guy who copied Windows XP dialogs and changed them.


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #49 on: 24 June 2002, 05:13 »
i haven't really checked out what the system processor is's my dads....very bulky system and pretty sluggish lol....but i am 100% sure its a intel pentium with intel chipset.....just never really got a chance to check out everything its dad don't remember other than its a pentium I 50mhz and i clocked it and that what it reads out...51mhz with 1-2mhz margin of error....i've never underclocked it....nothin....thats just what its running...don't wanna chance burning out somethin that we've sorta put to good use lol lata


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #50 on: 24 June 2002, 05:15 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
did i here someone say that the slowest pentium was a 75 mhz. this 60 mhz dell sitting by my desk tells me other wise. im thinking about overclocking it to a whopping 66 mhz. as for xp luser. ignore this dumb shite idiot. even my dad how won't switch to linux says that microsoft sucks. and yes unfortuatly ibm did let ms slip away. o btw the 60 mhz dell is running the latest debian. hahahhaha i put a modern os on it. try that with windows,

yea my pentium that reads out at around 50mhz is running a modern os....try Redhat 7.3 Valhalla on for size LMFAO....just is kind slow  at accessing drives and such is yours doing with debian? lata


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #51 on: 24 June 2002, 06:09 »
hmmmm, with window maker it is pretty smooth/*one has too many computers hanging on to the ass end of their lives, owell, its all good*/, i would recomend try debain on it instead of redhat 7.3 you might notice it runing faster. i mainly use it for making boot disk's as it is the only system with a floppy drive in it
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #52 on: 24 June 2002, 06:44 »
how does this forum attract people like this, it makes me wonder

Because they are idiots who buy into the dublethink, groupthink and outright lies of Microsoft, and feel like they have something to prove.

Or maybe because someone with a Linux box hacked his shitty XP box and he want's revenge.

However, I think people must understand that in order to eradicate M$, you must make another OS also idiot proof.

Nothing is idiot proof to a sufficiently talanted idiot.

Why anyone would want to underclock thier CPU is beyond me.

Well, I once hod to underclock a video card so it woulnd't give me graphical glitches in OpenGL noticable difference in performance... (stupid POS ATI cards).  Perhaps the same could be said for CPU's (assuming that you are too lazy to get a new cooling system for the chip)

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: AlexMax ]

Using a Microsoft product and hating every moment of it is the first step to liberation.

Windows XP User?
Windows XP LOSER! Go fuck yourself!


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #53 on: 24 June 2002, 07:56 »
naaa not too lazy.....didn't over clock it...didn't underclock it....thats what its been running for a few years now...around 50mhz....and my dad said it was a pentium I 50mhz with full intel chipset.....he's sure of's running actually a cooling system made for a p3 500mhz...copper base, 2 fan copper orb.....its not really loud or anything jus not extremely quiet either lol.....but it runs cool and very stable....also have a nice little copper heat sink and fan on the chipset and has a pretty good bit of circulation throught the case....dual fans on the hdd, dual fans sittin up in one of the open drive bay slots in front, 2 long neck blowers in the back slots that don't have a PCI slot the use them has plenty of cooling and runs extremely cool for an old bulky processor......just tryin to make sure the ancient processor don't give out on us...we've had that thing for a very long time lol....lata


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #54 on: 24 June 2002, 11:14 »
When you overclock a cpu, is there a chance that you can burn anything out? And what are jumpers, and where are they in the computer. My specialty is software, not hardware, the last time I cracked open this box, it took me 3 months to figure out what I did to the floppy drive and fix it. Can I overclock my p166 w mmx safely??
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #55 on: 24 June 2002, 12:15 »
yes there is a chance you could burn out your processor.....if you overclock it a good bit and your fan blinks off for a few seconds, it can usually mean a smoky death to your can safely overclock a system by like 5 or 10mhz and still remain stable if your fan blinks in and out.....but the little bit of change doesn't make much of a difference.....i've never really had the need to overclock anything....too much risk for a little bit of speed that won't make much of a difference other than extra stress on the hardware.....better have a damn good cooling system, lata

[ June 24, 2002: Message edited by: RedHat SeaWolf ]


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #56 on: 29 June 2002, 02:30 »
Neo, actually the slowest Intel processor was the 4004, a 4 bit 4k address space CPU. Still, according to BillG, Windows 9x is perfectly usable on it.

Everything comes from this - the 4040 is more like a real MCU, the 8008 is an 8 bit version, and the 8080 (the basis for CP/M) is one of the classic 8 bit micros. (The Z80 is an extended 8080).

IMO the 8086 was actually designed to be a multitasking 8080, probably for a Multitasking version of CP/M. Some of the design of the 8008 especially is still visible today ; though the registers BC,DE and HL were renamed BX CX and DX  

Possibly the stupidest piece of design is the x86 ; which had a sort of multitasking mode as well as the 8086 mode. Unfortunately Intel did not put in proper instructions to switch between the two.....


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #57 on: 29 June 2002, 03:15 »
ummm, yeah, x86 is a peice of shit, it should have been put down along time ago. but what does intel and amd do, they extend it bit more, trying to suck a litttle bit more life out of it. hell, apple put the m68k out to the pastures awhile ago. the only modern thing that i own that uses that chip is my ti89 calculator.
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #58 on: 29 June 2002, 16:55 »
xp loser, i ran redhat 7.1 on a 66mhz pentium 1 with 16 meg of edo ram and a 4.3 gig hd with no problems as all.  hell it ram faster than my current comp and it a 1.8ghz with 1024gig of DDR ram
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #59 on: 29 June 2002, 18:18 »
Damn, you've got a TB of RAM in your desktop?
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