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Why do you hate Windows XP

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quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
did i here someone say that the slowest pentium was a 75 mhz. this 60 mhz dell sitting by my desk tells me other wise. im thinking about overclocking it to a whopping 66 mhz. as for xp luser. ignore this dumb shite idiot. even my dad how won't switch to linux says that microsoft sucks. and yes unfortuatly ibm did let ms slip away. o btw the 60 mhz dell is running the latest debian. hahahhaha i put a modern os on it. try that with windows,
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yea my pentium that reads out at around 50mhz is running a modern os....try Redhat 7.3 Valhalla on for size LMFAO....just is kind slow  at accessing drives and such is yours doing with debian? lata

hmmmm, with window maker it is pretty smooth/*one has too many computers hanging on to the ass end of their lives, owell, its all good*/, i would recomend try debain on it instead of redhat 7.3 you might notice it runing faster. i mainly use it for making boot disk's as it is the only system with a floppy drive in it


quote:how does this forum attract people like this, it makes me wonder
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Because they are idiots who buy into the dublethink, groupthink and outright lies of Microsoft, and feel like they have something to prove.

Or maybe because someone with a Linux box hacked his shitty XP box and he want's revenge.

quote: However, I think people must understand that in order to eradicate M$, you must make another OS also idiot proof.
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Nothing is idiot proof to a sufficiently talanted idiot.

quote:Why anyone would want to underclock thier CPU is beyond me.
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Well, I once hod to underclock a video card so it woulnd't give me graphical glitches in OpenGL noticable difference in performance... (stupid POS ATI cards).  Perhaps the same could be said for CPU's (assuming that you are too lazy to get a new cooling system for the chip)

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: AlexMax ]

naaa not too lazy.....didn't over clock it...didn't underclock it....thats what its been running for a few years now...around 50mhz....and my dad said it was a pentium I 50mhz with full intel chipset.....he's sure of's running actually a cooling system made for a p3 500mhz...copper base, 2 fan copper orb.....its not really loud or anything jus not extremely quiet either lol.....but it runs cool and very stable....also have a nice little copper heat sink and fan on the chipset and has a pretty good bit of circulation throught the case....dual fans on the hdd, dual fans sittin up in one of the open drive bay slots in front, 2 long neck blowers in the back slots that don't have a PCI slot the use them has plenty of cooling and runs extremely cool for an old bulky processor......just tryin to make sure the ancient processor don't give out on us...we've had that thing for a very long time lol....lata

When you overclock a cpu, is there a chance that you can burn anything out? And what are jumpers, and where are they in the computer. My specialty is software, not hardware, the last time I cracked open this box, it took me 3 months to figure out what I did to the floppy drive and fix it. Can I overclock my p166 w mmx safely??


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