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Why do you hate Windows XP

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yes there is a chance you could burn out your processor.....if you overclock it a good bit and your fan blinks off for a few seconds, it can usually mean a smoky death to your can safely overclock a system by like 5 or 10mhz and still remain stable if your fan blinks in and out.....but the little bit of change doesn't make much of a difference.....i've never really had the need to overclock anything....too much risk for a little bit of speed that won't make much of a difference other than extra stress on the hardware.....better have a damn good cooling system, lata

[ June 24, 2002: Message edited by: RedHat SeaWolf ]

Neo, actually the slowest Intel processor was the 4004, a 4 bit 4k address space CPU. Still, according to BillG, Windows 9x is perfectly usable on it.

Everything comes from this - the 4040 is more like a real MCU, the 8008 is an 8 bit version, and the 8080 (the basis for CP/M) is one of the classic 8 bit micros. (The Z80 is an extended 8080).

IMO the 8086 was actually designed to be a multitasking 8080, probably for a Multitasking version of CP/M. Some of the design of the 8008 especially is still visible today ; though the registers BC,DE and HL were renamed BX CX and DX  

Possibly the stupidest piece of design is the x86 ; which had a sort of multitasking mode as well as the 8086 mode. Unfortunately Intel did not put in proper instructions to switch between the two.....

ummm, yeah, x86 is a peice of shit, it should have been put down along time ago. but what does intel and amd do, they extend it bit more, trying to suck a litttle bit more life out of it. hell, apple put the m68k out to the pastures awhile ago. the only modern thing that i own that uses that chip is my ti89 calculator.

xp loser, i ran redhat 7.1 on a 66mhz pentium 1 with 16 meg of edo ram and a 4.3 gig hd with no problems as all.  hell it ram faster than my current comp and it a 1.8ghz with 1024gig of DDR ram

Damn, you've got a TB of RAM in your desktop?


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