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Why do you hate Windows XP

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Master of Reality:
1 terabyte? Linux Red Hat only supports up to 64 Gigabytes of physical RAM. Solaris, however, supports up to 16 terabytes.

[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

Pardon my silence, but I've been on vacation for the past week.

I see nothing has changed; you're all still huge Linux liars who would rather commit suicide than admit Linux has flaws written all over its ugly face.  

The fact is, Linux does run dog slow if you use KDE.  Those of you who are saying "but it works fine on this pentium 166" are not using KDE, at least not the most recent version.

Let's compare the speed of Linux/KDE and Windows XP

Machine: Mandrake Linux 8.2 / Windows XP Pro running on a 1.73 ghz athlon and 512 megs RAM.

Boot time

Linux: 21 seconds brom BIOS to login prompt; 10 more seconds for KDE 3.0 to load.

Total time: 31 seconds

Windows XP: 16 seconds from BIOS to desktop

Web browser load time

Windows XP (with quicklaunch): less than 0.1 second
Linux: 1 second

IE: Instantly

File manager load time:

Konqueror: 2 seconds
Windows Explorer: Instantly

Office program:

MS Office: Less than 0.5 second 8 seconds XP): 5 seconds
Staroffice 5.2: 12 seconds

Master of Reality:
LOL.. my ass.
DO you think anyone really cares about your slanted ass benchmarking???
People dont care if someone says that they can get their windows to load faster. Most people choose their OS on their fucking experience with them... not with your experience with them.

why would anybody waste the time to even type all that crap out? go on holiday for another week i say!

"linux liars", that's no way to gain credibility, you know. I begin to believe now that you really are 12 yrs old, xp loser!


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Linux: 21 seconds brom BIOS to login prompt; 10 more seconds for KDE 3.0 to load.

--- End quote ---

This is only a concern if you are running XP because it crashes every 5 minutes.  Never have to shut Linux off for anything.  BTW, get lost dumb ass!


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