All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why do you hate Windows XP
ummmm, i don't use much kde anymore, i use window maker. window maker loads in two seconds from the login prompt. the gui on my dads windows box takes like 1.5 minutes to load. and on most *NIX systems, they are right, boot up time doesn't really mater, cuase you don't have to reboot every time you run a program
huh... my xp box takes "dayz" to load, and then im lucky if it doesnt crash as soon as i get to the destkop. (had that happen like 4 times last week). As for linux i dont know, i havent installed it yet. I cant get the cd to boot. My g4 loads far faster than my winblows machine also.
Anyways, i have to thank everyone on this forum for helping me to see the light. I have downloaded Mandrake 8.2 and am going to dual boot with xp for now. Im leaving windows on it for autocad & 3d Max(until im more comfortable with maya). I also worked out a trade for a G4. I love it.
sorry not 1024gig i ment 1024meg
XPloser is right about the boot times. It does take longer to boot Linux. However, the crash rate of Windross tends to cancel out that advantage.
Apps do IMO load quicker as well - first time anyway. Of course, using 'quicklaunch' is blatant cheating - there's a similar application for OpenOffice and all it does is load the app into memory and keep it there.... big deal.
However, whether they run quicker, and whether they run reliably is very much a moot point. I'd say not. My experience of IE (for example) is that it does load quicker than Konqueror. It also crashes on an extremely regular basis, often bringing the whole system down. Konqueror browser is a bit unstable on SuSE 8.0 - by Linux standards. (this is a known problem on the SuSE msg boards). By M$ standards it is rock solid.
Well it's gonna take more then slightly longer load times to discourage me. I've seen how crappy Windows is first hand.
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