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Why do you hate Windows XP

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lol - Void, you made me roll over the floor here    

Indeed, i once saw the word 'neighbour', and started using it.
I'll start using 'neighbor' from now on  
I'm an absolute sucker for C, i've tried it (in linux) but it was really too complicated for me. Things like QuakeC or (don't be scared) basic work for me. I even didn't remember it was 'printf' instead of 'fprint'.
The EXIT_SUCCESS was a variable i remembered from an svgalib example. EXIT_SUCCESS, should, with the
right headers declared, get the value of 0.

But i forgot that  :D

im sure all of this has been mentioned b4 but i didnt read most of this so....

I hate Xp because...

after a few MS updates windows media player will no longer play divx movies. i have to use Power dvd to play vcds.

The system logs your surfing.

if you do change a few of your cards at the same time, (video, Sound, and modem) you have to re-install and in most cases re register the shit.

everytime a program crashes it wants to cry MS about it.

the compatiblity modes for older programs almost never works.

NBA 2001 doesnt work for it, nor will it ever (thanks alot EA Sports)

A recent newspaper warned us about downloading updates for windoze media player: it would upgrade itself without your permission, and you couldn't shut the damn thing off .


quote:Originally posted by -=f00bar=-:
I'm an absolute sucker for C, i've tried it (in linux) but it was really too complicated for me. Things like QuakeC or (don't be scared) basic work for me. I even didn't remember it was 'printf' instead of 'fprint'.
The EXIT_SUCCESS was a variable i remembered from an svgalib example. EXIT_SUCCESS, should, with the
right headers declared, get the value of 0.

--- End quote ---

QuakeC?  What's that? Sounds like it might be C but with the Quake libraries and headers included.

To be honest, I rarely ever see "EXIT_SUCCESS" used.  Normally people just use "0" to indicate a successful return from a function or the main program.  Or they use a non-zero value for an unsuccessful return.  In fact, normally you would create your own variable (like "rc" for instance indicating "return code") and you would manipulate that variable and when you need to exit from the routine or program you would "return rc;".  But using "EXIT_SUCCESS" would likely be more "proper".  Six of one, a half dozen of another.


quote:outside of the US it may be common to spell "neighbor" as "neighbour"
--- End quote ---
"neighbour" is the correct spelling. I suspect that Microsoft themselves invented "US English" (an oxymoron if ever i heard one!) Sorry but "neighbor is incorrect. Same with "color" and "center", i'm sorry to say! Try writing the correct spellings in yr html and see how far you get though! i can't imagine a browser that treats "colour" and "centre" with the merit that they deserve!

Apart from that, top marks for your bugless code, VoidMain, you really pay attention to detail, and after all, like you say, "neighbor" is right since you're writing it in the US, at least that's what they probably teach in school over their (along with dubious defenitions of words like "pants" and "vest"...) And you're 100% right about the comma too.

PS, i know there are several grammatical errors in this text by the way folks, just before you think to tell me!  :D


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