Author Topic: AMD + ATI whoa...  (Read 1850 times)


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Re: AMD + ATI whoa...
« Reply #15 on: 27 July 2006, 04:33 »
what is the message for me to take home? even more line breaks?


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Re: AMD + ATI whoa...
« Reply #16 on: 27 July 2006, 04:35 »
Quote from: worker201
For anyone who couldn't make sense of that paragraph, I parsed it:
Code: [Select]
imo ATI and AMD are fairly well suited to each other, both are used to being the #2 part, and being late on various features, or late on various claims
  (not saying Intel and nVidia...
  (or 3dfx, or anyone else)
  ...has never missed a deadline or goofed on a part...
  (Willamette, NV30, etc)
  ...but consider that Intel was the top dog in the 1990's, because AMD had nothing decent, K7 was designed by the people who brought us the Alpha...
  (uses the EV6 bus and some other features)
  ...and K8 was built off of it, and ATI's products were terrible driver wise until 2002
  (not saying they got much better post 2002, but they aren't XGI anymore)

you sir, are a funny man. ;)


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Re: AMD + ATI whoa...
« Reply #17 on: 27 July 2006, 07:08 »
For anyone who couldn't make sense of that paragraph, I parsed it:

Code: [Select]
imo ATI and AMD are fairly well suited to each other, both are used to being the #2 part, and being late on various features, or late on various claims
  (not saying Intel and nVidia...
  (or 3dfx, or anyone else)
  ...has never missed a deadline or goofed on a part...
  (Willamette, NV30, etc)
  ...but consider that Intel was the top dog in the 1990's, because AMD had nothing decent, K7 was designed by the people who brought us the Alpha...
  (uses the EV6 bus and some other features)
  ...and K8 was built off of it, and ATI's products were terrible driver wise until 2002
  (not saying they got much better post 2002, but they aren't XGI anymore)

Quote from: etement
you sir, are a funny man. ;)

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After all, running Windows without a decent anti-virus is like walking through a Red Light District after eating five metric tonnes of Viagra.