Author Topic: Few questions about OS X...  (Read 8452 times)


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #30 on: 28 July 2006, 02:14 »
it's kind of funny that the screen in the IPod Nano is made out of the same exact materials as the 4th generation iPod, which no one complained about.  As for durability, tests prove it's just fine.

And like with any first-generation product problems can emerge, which Apple addressed in a professional manner.  

If you reuse the same design for 10 years though, your chances of having an occasional gotcha are less.


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #31 on: 28 July 2006, 02:15 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about ... Apple makes items that are overpriced, overrated, and pretty crappy (low actual value of product, high percieved value by many customers)

another example is the iPod nano screens scratching even if you touch them ... fucking ridiculous

Or are we supposed to be real careful with their shitty ... I mean "sensitive" equipment.

Apple = bunch of cheap pussies !
"Oh noes, I read a blog entry, that proves Apple sux!"

Give it up.  You're smarter than this.


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #32 on: 28 July 2006, 02:25 »
Quote from: worker201
"Oh noes, I read a blog entry, that proves Apple sux!"

Give it up.  You're smarter than this.

Well, not really just a blog entry, a friend of mine had a nano it scratched damn quick

Note: I'm NOT saying the nano isn't durable ... it'll work even if you smash it with a hammer ... but the screen is made of cheap plastic that scrathes far too easily and makes the screen almost unreadable. I've seen the yellow shit on many nearly brand new Mac laptops .... I though the people who owned them were just dirty, or didn't care about their laptops ... looks like I was wrong, cheap plastic again !!!

Oh, and what about the issue of putting tons of thermal paste on the processor ? That greatly reduces performance ... why did they do it ? Do they just not care about the quality of their shit or what ?


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #33 on: 28 July 2006, 02:28 »
My dad has the white iBook I bought in 2003.  I used it regularly in college, at work, while eating -- and it's still perfectly white.  Likewise, my iPod is doing just fine too.

Of course, I know how I treated my things, and all things electronic I've owned since I was waist-high with an Intellivision and c64.


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #34 on: 28 July 2006, 02:30 »
Quote from: bedouin
it's kind of funny that the screen in the IPod Nano is made out of the same exact materials as the 4th generation iPod, which no one complained about.  As for durability, tests prove it's just fine.

And like with any first-generation product problems can emerge, which Apple addressed in a professional manner.  

If you reuse the same design for 10 years though, your chances of having an occasional gotcha are less.
Cheap. Materials. edit: and the ipod screens are pretty cheap too (I've owned an ipod). I bet they could do better - might eat a tiny bit into their precious margins though.

edit: and the mac book pro is so much different/cooler than the powerbook, haha.
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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #35 on: 28 July 2006, 13:36 »
Quote from: bedouin

Thanks for shooting your credibility to even less than zero.  I had a Dell 24" Widescreen display attached to a Mac Mini via VGA and a PowerMac via DVI and the difference hurt my eyes.  If you can't tell the difference you need an eye exam.

hahaha, DVI and VGA have no difference, if you're one of the yups who claims they can see the difference between DVI and VGA, I'm guessing you're also one of the yups who claims to be able to discern 150 FPS from 60 FPS, and one of the yups who claims to be capable of discerning 32x AA from 8xS (or 6x on ATI) while it's flying by at 40 FPS...oh wait, I forgot Apple doesn't support the hardware needed for 32x AA output in realtime...sorry about that

how about this as a compromise, seeing as how you buying into factual data is about as likely as me warming up to Apple being anything more than a good door stop (really, you can't beat a Mac at being a doorstop, weight + handle + small size, it's like, insane) hows about we just call it quits then? I say Apple sucks, because it does, and you say Apple rocks because it's "elite", and I'm guessing neither of us cares to change that view


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #36 on: 28 July 2006, 16:55 »
Mind if I ask what the fuck the problem is? You came in here asking a question that you knew would get answered with "Get a Mac", so when someone says so, you begin the bashing. Sounds like a classic case of douchebaggery to me.

On one side of the argument, you have people telling you things. On your side, you're just slinging insults.

Go the fuck ~


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #37 on: 28 July 2006, 17:09 »
Well, I'd have to agree, it is trollish (even tho insulting Apple doesn't bother me)


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #38 on: 28 July 2006, 17:19 »
Everbody is entitled to an opinion. Starting a thread just as an excuse to spew that opinion as an insult at people... that's not so good.
Go the fuck ~


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #39 on: 28 July 2006, 17:27 »
It was all nice and civil until post 9/10.

Trolls can't survive without food ;)
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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #40 on: 28 July 2006, 17:29 »
Teh fite!!1
Go the fuck ~


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #41 on: 28 July 2006, 20:29 »
Quote from: hm_murdock
Everbody is entitled to an opinion. Starting a thread just as an excuse to spew that opinion as an insult at people... that's not so good.

firstly, I didn't start this thread just to insult people, I wasn't looking for the cop out answer of "get a mac" I was looking for information, which you obviously don't have, instead it turned into a flame war because someone felt it neccesary to try and point out how being a mac owner makes his shit smell like roses


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #42 on: 28 July 2006, 21:37 »
Quote from: obob
B) GLIDE = 1997~, DIRECT3D = 1994~

And OpenGL = 1992.  Thanks for correcting my mistake. :D
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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #43 on: 29 July 2006, 11:11 »
Quote from: bedouin
it's kind of funny that the screen in the IPod Nano is made out of the same exact materials as the 4th generation iPod, which no one complained about.  As for durability, tests prove it's just fine.

Might it be that the "quality issues" with Apple products have more to do with their customers being unappreciative whiners than the actual quality of their products?


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Re: Few questions about OS X...
« Reply #44 on: 29 July 2006, 14:17 »
Quote from: toadlife
Might it be that the "quality issues" with Apple products have more to do with their customers being unappreciative whiners than the actual quality of their products?
Are you fucking serious?

A guy switches from OS X, wait, from one OS to another OS, with NUMEROUS GOOD REASONS, so he must be an "unappreciative whiner"?

Have you seen an ipod lately? They tend to have alot of scratches on the screens. Mine did. My brother's does. His girlfriend's does. All my friends do.

Yes - they could buy protective covers or whatever, but the ipod screen is still just as cheap as it always has been.
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