Author Topic: Problems upgrading Ubuntu  (Read 6683 times)


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Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« on: 29 July 2006, 20:10 »
I've been trying to upgrade from Breezy 5.1 to Dapper 6.06 using the auto-update program and it gives me the following error message:

Code: [Select]

Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed

There is no problem with my network connection, (I'm logged on an posting this with no problems). I think it's to do with the update program looking in the worng place shouldn't it be looking in and not

How do I fix this?

Is there another easy way to upgrade?

I don't want to reformat again, if so I'm switching to a distro whic will allow OS upgrades without having to start again, even Windows allows this to some degree.
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #1 on: 29 July 2006, 20:27 »
same thing happend to me a few months ago when Dapper first came out.

maybe try changing every instance of 'breezy' to 'dapper' within sources.lst when apt-get update, then apt-get dist-upgrade?
[Note: this did work but screwed up X for me so I had to do a clean dapper install)


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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #2 on: 4 August 2006, 18:34 »
Where is sources.lst?

I've done a search and I can't find it.
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #3 on: 4 August 2006, 19:17 »
probably because it's called sources.list, and it's in /etc/apt
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #4 on: 4 August 2006, 20:11 »
That didn't work either!

Code: [Select]
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed
Failed to fetch Connection failed

This is shit!

I downloaded Mandriva CD a few days but I'm reluctant to install it as I can't be bothered. I'd rather stick with Ubuntu I've been happy with it apart from this is there anything else you can suggest before I install yet another Linux distribution?
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #5 on: 4 August 2006, 21:54 »
Perhaps that mirror is just getting spanked by people like you upgrading.

Anyhow changing sources.list will not help your upgrade unless you actually using apt, or synaptic etc.

Are you using apt-get?
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #6 on: 4 August 2006, 21:59 »
I don't know, I'm just clicking on the update icon on the right hand corner of the screen. Oh my God I'm sounding like a Winwoes looser!
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #7 on: 4 August 2006, 22:49 »
I really think that if you have more understanding of how the upgrade process works, you will know why there is a problem, and perhaps even how to fix it.

And, I hate to be mean, but if you're going to click on a button and expect results every time without ever bothering to learn something new, then maybe you should stick with Windows.  What kind of person just installs a new OS every time something doesn't work for them?  My dad, for one.  He was ready to buy a new computer when his hard drive died.

For starters, here's an apt howto:
since it seems that Ubuntu uses apt for package management.


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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #8 on: 4 August 2006, 23:56 »
Quote from: worker201
I really think that if you have more understanding of how the upgrade process works, you will know why there is a problem, and perhaps even how to fix it.

I don't mind doing some reading but there is a limit, I don't really care about how it works I just want it to work.

Quote from: worker201
And, I hate to be mean, but if you're going to click on a button and expect results every time without ever bothering to learn something new, then maybe you should stick with Windows.

So you admit that Windows is easier to use than Linux!

Quote from: worker201
What kind of person just installs a new OS every time something doesn't work for them?

It depends, if the effort required to fix the problem than the effort required to install a different (and probably better OS) then there's nothing wrong with installing a new OS.

Quote from: worker201
My dad, for one.  He was ready to buy a new computer when his hard drive died.

Now that's just ignorant.

Quote from: worker201
For starters, here's an apt howto:
since it seems that Ubuntu uses apt for package management.

I'll check it out though I don't want to jump through too many hoops just to get it working.
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #9 on: 5 August 2006, 00:32 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
So you admit that Windows is easier to use than Linux!
I'll check it out though I don't want to jump through too many hoops just to get it working.
Windows, thanks to this really huge marketing firm called Microsoft, is a part of all of our computer pasts.  It's not necessarily easier, but to anyone who came of age in the 90s, it is probably infinitely more familiar.

I've said it before, and I guess I have to say it again - jumping through hoops is part of the fun and experience of Linux.  If you're not interested in learning and solving problems, then Linux is not for you.  To be honest, I run into Linux problems almost every day.  Not because it's buggy or shitty, but because I don't understand things properly.  So each problem is a trip to Google or asking advice, and in the end it gets solved and I never have to worry about it again.  Fuck yeah, this is FUN!  Linux and reading and crossword puzzles make you smarter.  TV, Windows, and scratching your ass might not exactly make you dumber, but ... I think you see where I'm going with this.


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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #10 on: 5 August 2006, 00:40 »
Whatever, but I thought that the whole point of Ubuntu is to make it easy for people, remember it's supposed to be "Linux for human beings" well I know this is shit, it's Linux for geeks, which is the way it always will be.

Also an auto-update thingy that pops up when I start my computer then fails is a prime example of buggyness. Either you make it easy to use or you don't, none of this "omg we're going to make an auto-update tool that normally works fine for normal updates but the user will have to fuck around a lot when an OS upgrade is required" shit.
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #11 on: 5 August 2006, 01:22 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
Whatever, but I thought that the whole point of Ubuntu is to make it easy for people, remember it's supposed to be "Linux for human beings" well I know this is shit, it's Linux for geeks, which is the way it always will be.
Yea, it'd be so much friendlier if it was based on NT  :rolleyes:

Report a fooking bug if you find one.

Ubuntu is very fucking user-friendly my friend.

Ubuntu 6.06 download page btw.
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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #12 on: 5 August 2006, 02:41 »
I dunno try Fedora ... it's worked pretty decently so far and it's quite user friendly (probably more than Ubuntu). I know it has recieved a lot of negative comments, but it's actually not that bad. I was thinking of installing something a bit more complex, like maybe Arch Linux (cuz it's opitmized for i686) but upon reading the manual for a bit it looks like it'll take a shitload of time to get it right (much like Gentoo, Slackware, etc.).

I can re-install Fedora in 20 min flat if necessary (and maybe 30 min more for updates depending on your connection speed and the number of packages you chose)

What You Will Need

    * a working knowledge of Linux and your system, esp. your hardware
    * Arch Linux installation media (see the mirror list)
          o Either the Arch Linux Install CD, or
          o 2-7 floppy disks, depending on what you need: SCSI, ethernet, etc.
    * an i686-based computer (PPro, Pentium 2 or higher, Athlon/Duron, etc. Note that AMD K6, Transmeta Crusoe, CyrixIII, and VIA-C3 NOT supported.)
    * some time to kill

Really the only thing I could ask more of from Fedora is a bit more reliability ... but most reliability problems I've had so far were actually cuz things weren't quite configured properly ... SELinux being the main culprit, turning SELinux off will make Fedora just as stable as any other distro, and much easier to use, upgrade, re-install (if necessary) etc.


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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #13 on: 5 August 2006, 09:09 »
Trying Fedora won't solve AJ's problem.  His problem is probably that his apt isn't configured properly.  This happens to everyone every once in awhile, it has happened to me too.  So even if he installs Fedora and uses synaptic or smart, it's probably going to get fucked up one day, like when a certain version of apt is incompatible with a certain repository that the distro requires, or something like that (I think my problem occurred during the FC3-FC4 upgrade).  It would be so much better for him to figure out how to solve it.  Tossing a distro if it has a minor problem like this is like buying a new car after your friend vomits in your front seat.

Although I am not a Ubuntu guru (I'm barely a Ubuntu user), I suspect that AJ's apt problems are being sugar-coated by the gui - it doesn't give him any useful information, just a failure notice.  That's one of the drawbacks of trying to hide everything from the user.  If you want things to work, you have to have useful feedback and you might even have to get your hands dirty.


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Re: Problems upgrading Ubuntu
« Reply #14 on: 5 August 2006, 10:35 »
Ubuntu uses synaptic for the Iconified and automated system updates/upgrades.

Apt-get is ever-present as well.

When they released 6.06 LTS, they announced the repositories were different and the way Ubuntu works is slightly different as well.
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