All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Vista Speech Recognition ... yay

(1/4) > >>

Straight from slashdot and google video ... kinda funny too:


All your aunt so set up us the bomb killer delete!

If nobody else does, I'm making a t-shirt line out of this.  Especially after this response.  Scratch that, I think I'll make the shirts regardless.  :D

Jesus. That seems really... um... shitty. Kinda like it's totally broken? I remember using basic voice commands back in Mac OS 9. I wonder what would happen if Vista had voice control.

"Run Word."

:: Vista shows a picture of a Pontiac Sunbird ::


:: Vista connects to the internet and buys clothes ::

"Get refund."

:: Vista runs Excel ::

"Close Excel and run Word."

:: Vista BSODs ::

Still, I wonder how most people can take M$ seriously after shit like this. And this isn't the first time they've fucked up badly ... just check the M$ history vids (one of em). Hey, maybe I don't even wanna know the answer to that question ... it'll probably anger me and depress me at the same time.


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