Miscellaneous > Technical Support

Time to Break Out the Virtual Screwdrivers?

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If the modeline is fucked try this site:


Okay, I managed to get X back to normal (it was the VGA drivers) but now I can't get the ATi driver module to compile.  I get the following error message from the 2.6.x Makefile:

--- Code: ---Makefile:49: *** mixed implicit and normal rules.  Stop.
--- End code ---

Here is the full Makefile listing:

--- Code: ---GCC_VER_MAJ      = $(shell $(CC) --version | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/[^0-9. ]//g;s/^ *//;s/^\(.\)\..*$$/\1/')

obj-m           += fglrx.o
fglrx-libs      += libfglrx_ip.a.GCC$(GCC_VER_MAJ)
fglrx-c-objs    += firegl_public.o
fglrx-objs      += $(fglrx-c-objs) $(fglrx-libs)
fglrx-hdrs      += firegl_public.h
drm-hdrs        += drm.h drmP.h drm_os_linux.h drm_proc.h drm_compat.h

ifeq ($(PAGE_ATTR_FIX),)

                -I$(PWD) \
                -DFGL \
                -DFGL_LINUX \
                -DFGL_GART_RESERVED_SLOT \
                -DFGL_LINUX253P1_VMA_API \
                -DPAGE_ATTR_FIX=$(PAGE_ATTR_FIX) \

# on first call from remote location we get into this path
# whilst on second call all is managed by the embedding kernel makefile

KVER            = $(shell uname -r)
# KVER            = 2.6.0-0.test1.1.26custom

ifeq (1,1)
KDIR            = /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build
KDIR            = /usr/src/linux-$(KVER)
PWD             = $(shell pwd)

fglrx-cfiles    = ${fglrx-c-objs:.o=.c}

# default:: kmod_build

kmod_build:: $(fglrx-libs) $(fglrx-cfiles) $(fglrx-hdrs) $(drm-hdrs)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

@ln -s ../$@

@ln -s ../$@

@ln -s ../$@

# distclean:: clean

rm -f *.c *.h *.o *.ko *.GCC* .??*


# ### EOF ###

--- End code ---

I'm at a complete loss as to what needs to be fixed here to move on.  Anyone?  :(

EDIT: Italicized line 49 for readability.

EDIT2: Manually changed each GCC_VER_MAJ to the current major version of 3, ATi must've FUBARed the shell script as now it (seems to have) MODPOSTed.

EDIT3: Finally got the ati-drivers to emerge.  Now when I try to use fglrx on my 64-build I get the Black Screen of Death (though oddly enough, I can still shell into it).  NICE ONE ATI.  If this isn't fixed in the next month, well - let's just say I've a blister-packed icepick and a VERY short list of demonstration venues. :mad:


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