All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Fixing old Windows boxes
The Auditor:
here is the correct method to fix an old Win9x box.
Normally when you press Ctrl + Alt + Delete the Windows task list is displayed. Using this tweak the key combination will instead reboot the computer.
Open the SYSTEM.INI file found in the Windows directory using Notepad.
Under the [386Enh] section create or modify the value named "KybdReboot". Set the value to equal "True" to cause the system to reboot on the key combination or "False" to show the task list. For example:
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
and soon, formatting will begin!
I dont think it is possible to "fix" a windows box if it means windows is still on it in the end
i have a great fix for it. you only need a bottle of your favorite bourbon and a shotgun, preferably double barrel to make sure the transformation is complete
Last Windows box i "fixed" left my (sadly, now ex) girlfriend's desk behind the moment i saw it... she was happy with her new Mac and I got a wintel box... can we say RedHat 8? hehehe...always happy to spread a bit of joy around at billys expense lol
I refuse to fix anybodys computer.
You wanna do shit on your own like a click happy mouse moron? Well you better put some research too on what the problem is, and dont call me for installing a fucking driver.
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