Author Topic: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!  (Read 3214 times)


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And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« on: 15 August 2006, 01:41 »

If you use the  "POD" in the name of a product, Apple will sue you.  Read the story and find out what douches they are.
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2006, 01:57 »
Yet consider that they probably named that silly little electronic device ProfitPod only because a) it does actually kinda remind the guy of his iPod, b) calling things Pods sounds like it should be kinda cool right now, and c) using the Pod name in the product is sure to spark some sort of unconscious brand recognition among his customers.  Although I think Apple is silly to go after everybody who puts 3 letters together, I also think this guy is a halfwitted moron who was almost begging Apple to write him threatening letters.


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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #2 on: 15 August 2006, 02:26 »
It kinda makes me sad ... I hope they don't continue along this path :(

P.S. This should be in Mac section shouldn't it

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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #3 on: 15 August 2006, 02:49 »
hmm there is a thing around here called PODS, its like a self storage thing that gets send to your house. PODS in this case means Personal on demand storage system


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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #4 on: 15 August 2006, 04:27 »
Quote from: worker201
Yet consider that they probably named that silly little electronic device ProfitPod only because a) it does actually kinda remind the guy of his iPod, b) calling things Pods sounds like it should be kinda cool right now, and c) using the Pod name in the product is sure to spark some sort of unconscious brand recognition among his customers.  Although I think Apple is silly to go after everybody who puts 3 letters together, I also think this guy is a halfwitted moron who was almost begging Apple to write him threatening letters.

A) It doesn't look anything like an IPOD.  It's a tiny wired module that looks like a car alarm.  Nobody looks at it.  It's a piece of a video game coin collection system.

B) That doesn't matter.  

c) This has nothing to do with music or consumer electronics.  You cannot trademark a common word and gain exclusive use of it in all domains. There is no way this could spark unconscious brand name recognition.  And even if it did, so what? It has nothing to do with music or consumer electronics.

Apple doesn't own the word POD.  Maybe if this dude made a portable music player, or a portable TV or a portable radio or something, and put POD in it.. but there is NO WAY you can confuse this with an IPOD.

POD is a common word.  People have been using it for centuries before Steve Jobs decided it belonged to him and him alone.

MicroSoft Trademarked DirectX.  Does that mean nobody can ever use the word "direct" ever again in reference to software?
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #5 on: 15 August 2006, 06:41 »
Quote from: mobrien_12
MicroSoft Trademarked DirectX.  Does that mean nobody can ever use the word "direct" ever again in reference to software?



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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #6 on: 20 August 2006, 23:03 »
Wow. Rock band P.O.D. had better watch out.:scared:
As far as the "Apple being a dick" comment, they are a big company and big companies have lawyers. That's just the way it is. They are still 1000x more ethical than m$ ever was.

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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #7 on: 20 August 2006, 23:33 »
I've found that often times, company lawyers do things like this regardless of what anybody at the company thinks. Steve Jobs might own a gaming machine with a Profit Pod, and like the product (who says Steve doesn't own an arcade in the local mall?)

That wouldn't matter to Apple lawyers. They just throw C&Ds at shit no matter what.
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #8 on: 21 August 2006, 00:46 »
Quote from: sean
They are still 1000x more ethical than m$ ever was.
I doubt that. MS didn't always build software which ran on 95% of desktop computers.

My perception of how good or bad a company is, ethically, would nearly be defined by the actions of the lawyers they employ. The lawyers are representing apple when they send threats like this around. If the higher people at apple didn't like how they were being represented, they would've changed things long ago.
« Last Edit: 21 August 2006, 00:52 by piratePenguin »
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a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #9 on: 21 August 2006, 06:02 »
I saw the roast of Bill Shatner, then came here, saw the title of this thread and couldn't help but think about Andy Dick.

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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #10 on: 21 August 2006, 07:10 »
NASA's next. They have all kinds of Pods laying around and floating in space...Because we all know apple invented the word pod......

I don't think it matters or even has any value when comments are thrown around like B;abla is more ethical than blbla...

If your paractice occassionally delves into the dark world of naughty politics vs a company that does the same, just on a much grander is either more or less ethical? Unethical is unethical. The amount doesn't matter. If a person lies to you, and you catch him, you find it very difficult to believe that person ever again. It doesn't even matter how big or small the lie was. The same with stealing, borrowing or raping family members. Why is there a severity scale being applied to this one? At the end of the day, Apple and MS are in it to make moeny. The plus is apple does higher quality work.
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #11 on: 21 August 2006, 08:21 »
The plus is apple does higher quality work.

Most of the time.
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #12 on: 27 August 2006, 20:30 »
Apple really likes to protect itself. You guys should back off because it has been proven before. That when apple protects itself, it come back to them in the end in a good way.

Profit is just what the company uses such as Apple uses the lower case i. Then they used pod with their name concerning Apple.

What I mean by it helps apple to protect themselfs look at IBM they used to be the only computer company that sold Windows compadible computers. Then clones come. Apple sued the clones, where people like you back then complain and complain and told apple they where dumb asses, but Apple is still a computer company today. IBM did nothing and IBM isn't a computer company anymore because they got sold out by the compition. Just proving that Apple was right to sue back then.


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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #13 on: 27 August 2006, 21:07 »
Quote from: "Xeniczone"
Apple really likes to protect itself. You guys should back off because it has been proven before. That when apple protects itself, it come back to them in the end in a good way.

Or what, they'll sue us at this forum for posting fact? Or they'll hunt us down, discredit every aspect of our lives then leave us for bums in the street. Please. Just because a company has a decent image doesn't change what is going on behind the scenes. It certainly doesn't exempt them from having a cheaper way brain fart.

Quote from: "Xeniczone"
What I mean by it helps apple to protect themselfs look at IBM they used to be the only computer company that sold Windows compadible computers. Then clones come. Apple sued the clones, where people like you back then complain and complain and told apple they where dumb asses, but Apple is still a computer company today. IBM did nothing and IBM isn't a computer company anymore because they got sold out by the compition. Just proving that Apple was right to sue back then.

Appaently IBM hasn't gotten your news flash...Or are you just refering to thier dropping of windows products? Or perhaps your talking about thier abandoning a market with way to much competition and instead of trying to do it all, they decided to dump the PC and go to servers and say they don't build computers anymore is not entirely accurate.

Dumbass. A standard rule of thumb is to know your facts before posting. Just trying to be helpful.
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Re: And Apple is a Dick AGAIN!!
« Reply #14 on: 28 August 2006, 05:37 »
You know ... if I could understand what the fuck he is talking about I might try to answer his madness ... but I don't so I'm not going to try.

My suggestion ... get some psychiatric help ... soon.