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Do store bought PCs suck, or just Compaq, other?

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I highly DOUBT compaq blocks you to just Windows, they aren't Dell, they don't worship MS.

I was talking about PnP settings and a few other settings in BIOS' designed for Windows, I've never personally had a problem with them (however I have seen WinXP machines running with BIOS' config'd like it was 1994, so my point was that maybe Ubuntu doesn't

I tried tinkering with pretty much everything in the bios. No change. This is the end game, I'm afraid this one may have to be lost since I'll have to leave the PC behind, it's my mother's PC. Ironic I didn't have any problem with the other ones including a laptop which I thought would give problems.

Anyways, this is the BIOS error it gives:

..MP-BIOS bug. timer not connected to IO-APIC
PCI: cannot allocate resource region 3 of device 0000:00:00.0
hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit

See if this helps you at all:

Also have a glance at this thread:

Neither is an exact match to your problem (as I understand it), but they may shed some light on what might be going on.

try damnsmalllinux and see if that works, it has an older kernel which may make a difference.

I do remember reading an article about this long ago. It was something about locking out other OS's in some package computers. I wish I could be more specific...actually remember more about the article, but I have heard of it at least attempting to be used...I dunno why I even just now remembered it...

I can't find the actual aricle, but here's a neat one from Arstechnica

It basically says Apple has figure d out a way to do something similar, and if this can happen, and Apple can get the patent, then Apple will make the only computers in the world capable of running OSX, Linux and windows on the same machine. Here's the article for those afraid to click...

--- Quote ---OS War! (huh-yeah) What is it good for?
As has been floating all over the internet today, there is OMG SCANDALOUS news of Apple apparently preparing for a full-on war with Windows once the Intel switch comes around. How so, you ask? Apparently a patent has been filed by Apple that allows them to protect the installation of OS X to Apple-specific hardware. Aha, you say, this is not new news! No, it's not, until you get to this part:

However, the patent describes a process whereby users would be able to load one of three operating systems as their primary OS and then load a secondary operating system as their secondary OS. In the patent application, titled, System and method for creating tamper-resistant code, they describe the process as thus:

22. The method of claim 20, wherein the first operating system is selected from the set consisting of Mac OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

23. The method of claim 20, wherein the second operating system is selected from the set consisting of Mac OS X, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

Put simply, you may be able to run more than one of your favorite operating systems, or dare I say it, all three, on one machine
--- End quote ---


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