Miscellaneous > Technical Support
Do store bought PCs suck, or just Compaq, other?
This is what everybody forgot! The guy had been practicing his mad soldering skillz and replaced the Intel proc with a PPC G5 the night before. Of course Linux won't boot right!
except that ubuntu works on PPC G5, and most conventional ATX motherboards are x86, therefore CISC and little endian, the PPC is entirely opposite of all of that...sorry, I have a problem with ruining jokes through understanding
Those old Compaq's make great NAT boxes or DHCP servers.
When it comes to store PC's, the HP's are pretty much okay.
What's even better is self built computers from a non chain store.
I keep lots of live CDs around, even a few designed for PPC ... you never know when you're gonna need 'em. (originally this is not the purpose I had in mind, I just wanted to try different distros and live CDs of different operating systems, I have some of FreeBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, lots of Knoppix-like ones ...)
This PC isn't an old Compaq, unless you count a week as old. And that model was released in May.
--- Quote from: obob ---Sure it's BIOS is setup right to run the OS off a CD?
--- End quote ---
Obviously it's set to boot from the CD first or it wouldn't even get that far, so which other settings do you mean? I've tried much already. And I wasn't sure but I guess it has nothing to do with the SATAII hard drive. I've also tried other live cds now and got similar results.
Could it be that Comsuq specifically does things to block other OS installations? I had no problems with other PCs which were Dell and HP. Well I hope I can figure something out or I guess they're stuck with windows.
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