Operating Systems > macOS

Leopard Lives and Kicks Vista's Butt

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Check this out!


Watch the keynote too. This is going to slay Vista. And the new Mac Pro is out too.

Didn't Steve seem ill during the keynote?  He only did part of it, and he looked haggard and tired.  I hope it's not his cancer coming back or anything....

On the same note...that younger guy who did the Time Machine demo among other things...don't recall ever seeing him in a keynote, but he should do them if Steve ever can't.  He's great.  Certainly better than Phil Schiller.

Oh yeah, the computers.  I'm disappointed about the name Mac Pro.  It's so boring.  The computer itself is good, though. :D  Fact is, though, there's a big hole left where Apple could put in a lower-end tower computer.

MacPro is pretty pathetic.  So is MacBookPro.  I think they ought to have cooler names, like Falcon, Angstrom, Celegorm, or other such shit.  Or they should do like Volkswagen in the 60s - Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV.  The names are a little dumb.  iBook was cute, and G5 sounded manly.  MacPro sounds like "we couldn't think up anymore names".

They could name it like guns:

Hey, check out my M16A1 Mac!

There's nothing wrong with "Mac Pro". Yeah it lacks creativity and imagination. However, tacking pro onto a product these days automatically associates it with high end business application or some sort of Power that others aren't rigged for. Yeah I'd like to see a name like "Studly Hungwell Computer that Kicks You Ass and Eats Your Breakfast", but they didn't.


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