Miscellaneous > Technical Support

Anyone know...

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I just ran a quick Google convert on mine, here are my numbers.

Freq/Power: 723 MHz -5.4 dBmV
Signal to Noise Ratio: 33 dB

Freq/Power: 24.8 MHz 46.5 dBmV

Lead Head:
Frequency  747000000 Hz  Locked  
Signal to Noise Ratio 34 dB  
Power Level -16 dBmV    
The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested.  Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading

Channel ID 1  
Frequency   26208000 Hz  
Ranged    Power Level 53 dBmV

well, thanks for the replies, guessing it's normal if two of you can have - values for downstream and still be online...


--- Quote from: obob ---well, thanks for the replies, guessing it's normal if two of you can have - values for downstream and still be online...
--- End quote ---

 IIRC, that has something to do with "Node Distance Compensation" or something on those lines.  Basically, a higher-powered (neighborhood) node needs the modem to down-compensate the power levels to keep a steady conn, whereas a weaker node needs the modem to up-compensate the power levels.  I'm sure you can find something more clear about the whole process on Wikipedia or Google.

Now were the frequency to be negative, then I might show some concern.

idk, i haven't studied much into the workings of cable internet, one of the few things I can't find a ton of literature on, I know it was showing very low negatives before line amplification, and would lose signals, and now with line amplifcation, it's showing low positives...so I was wondering if the amplifier sucked, but then forgot that it can work with negatives...whatever, i'm not going to question it as long as it keeps working...


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