
Which movie debut is drawing your interest?

Casino Royale (James Bond)
2 (12.5%)
Highlander: The Source
2 (12.5%)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3
3 (18.8%)
Other (Please State)
9 (56.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Author Topic: Most Anticipated Movie  (Read 2041 times)


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Re: Most Anticipated Movie
« Reply #15 on: 18 August 2006, 05:40 »
lol i don't see what the issue w/percentages is, but ok...
and yeah lucas goes back and forth, i'd like to see the proposed "12 movie star wars" series, that expands both the thrawn trilogy and the DE trilogy, but there's a lot of continuity problems that'd have to be rewritten out to make thrawn work...imo just f that series (it felt short when I read it, DE felt long enough to make a movie or two)

oh well...if they get made they'd have a few problems, lol, who knows, give him another 5 or 6 years and Pierce Brosnan might be master ben


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Re: Most Anticipated Movie
« Reply #16 on: 18 August 2006, 07:27 »
I read a lot, and I'll read almost anything.  So far, in my life, there have only been 2 things that I have started reading and put down never to pick up again.  The first was "Emma" by Jane Austen - only three pages of that was enough to put me right to sleep.  Could it be more boring?  Only if it was filled with blank pages.  The second was some Star Wars extended universe novel.  It was written back before Ep1, I can't recall the title or subseries or whatever.  I just recall that it was the most poorly written piece of trash I have ever laid my eyes on.  After only a couple paragraphs, I felt like a 7th grade English teacher who has just read The Worst Term Paper Ever.  Really, it was BAAAAAAAAD, awful, and whatever other synonyms there are.  I imagine there are some Star Wars fans who are hungry enough for more story that they can look beyond this corporate drugstore novel bullshit, but I can't.  It's like somebody whipped up a Windows 3.1 batch program that writes its own novel, once it reads a list of characters from a textfile.  Even Stephen King, the lord of mass-market trash paperbacks, is probably embarrassed to be on the shelves in the same section of the bookstore as that shit.

That being said, I can see how LucasCorp might have a hard time coming up with decent material for another trilogy or two.


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Re: Most Anticipated Movie
« Reply #17 on: 18 August 2006, 20:14 »
Quote from: worker201
I read a lot, and I'll read almost anything.  So far, in my life, there have only been 2 things that I have started reading and put down never to pick up again.  The first was "Emma" by Jane Austen - only three pages of that was enough to put me right to sleep.  Could it be more boring?  Only if it was filled with blank pages.  The second was some Star Wars extended universe novel.  It was written back before Ep1, I can't recall the title or subseries or whatever.  I just recall that it was the most poorly written piece of trash I have ever laid my eyes on.  After only a couple paragraphs, I felt like a 7th grade English teacher who has just read The Worst Term Paper Ever.  Really, it was BAAAAAAAAD, awful, and whatever other synonyms there are.  I imagine there are some Star Wars fans who are hungry enough for more story that they can look beyond this corporate drugstore novel bullshit, but I can't.  It's like somebody whipped up a Windows 3.1 batch program that writes its own novel, once it reads a list of characters from a textfile.  Even Stephen King, the lord of mass-market trash paperbacks, is probably embarrassed to be on the shelves in the same section of the bookstore as that shit.

That being said, I can see how LucasCorp might have a hard time coming up with decent material for another trilogy or two.

reminds me of this book my friend tried to convince me to read, wouldn't stfu until I acted like i was reading, 10 pages, it's now on a shelf somewhere, can't brng myself to light it or return it