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reason enough to hate Windows

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take a good look at my Windows crash log for the past 2 days (including today)

this is Windows XP Home that is doing this.
my computer will be good for about 2 weeks then it just turns to shit, crashes all the time. my brother was making a music CD and the computer crashed on him, he was so pissed off he nearly threw the mouse against the wall.

wow your penmanship is almost on par with mine  


yeah, i'm practicing for when i become a doctor  :D

i just don't write. why write when i have a computer to neadly and accurately have the printer shoot ink with laser like perfection (ink jets are actually more precise than laser printers)


quote:Originally posted by ShawnD1:
yeah, i'm practicing for when i become a doctor    :D  

i just don't write. why write when i have a computer to neadly and accurately have the printer shoot ink with laser like perfection (ink jets are actually more precise than laser printers)
--- End quote ---

Just hope that none of the hospitals use windows for their computers. There is an article about doctors and nurses using office over at

At least the only thing the article talks about is using office to write up stuff.

[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: The Knife Thrower ]

Yeah sure, use Windows in hospitals.

"So doctor, what's the diagnosis?"
"Fatal Exception 0-- AH FUCK!!!"

Did you HAVE to use a pic for the log?  Some of us still have dial-up!!!


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