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Deleted files keep reappearing.

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Aaron Ni:
Ok, I was going through all the folders and under "Program Files" I noticed a folder titled "Common Files" So I went and checked, I saw a folder titled "Microsoft Shared" and after a few attempts I deleted the majority of the garbage files inside.  

Only whenver I delete one .dll, a bunch of .OCX and one .exe files they go into the Recycle Bin but they reapper right after they're deleted!?

The files are

And vgx.dll

I mean.. what are they?  Why do they keep appearing rather than getting the "This source file may be in use." message?

And it's not like the Microsoft site or any help files shed light on the situation.  

So, little help?

Or in this case big help?

If your using Xpoo, im not sure what they call it, but when ever you delete a file that XPoo thinks is important then it makes the file agian[im not sure exactly how it works, something along those lines]  But what i would do in this situation is reboot into safe mode and log in as admin and then i dont think the files wil reapper when deleted.  Im not %100 sure if this works, so if im wrong please someone correct me...

Aaron Ni:
I'm in WinME (Kill me please...)

So I'll just make sure to back up all my vital stuff and install Linux soon.  

Soon as in when I completely own this computer.

As long as Windows is on it, you will *never* completely own that computer.

You could delete them in dos, witch of course you cant get to in winME without installing a patch!! [bastards at m$] So try using a start disk to delete them, if they reappear then, well i dunno... Make sure you have deltree.exe on the start disk, when i made a start disk using winME it wasnt on there so i had to put it on manually.

If you like you can get the patch here:

And Deltree.exe here:

[ July 21, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]


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