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Deleted files keep reappearing.
Gooseberry Clock:
Well certainly don't use Me. Downgrade to 98 SE. But if you have to use Me, be sure to disable System Restore.
[ July 27, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * / Blob ]
i actally read the throught the site, that man is fulla shit. im not even going to bother quoting him, but hey said that code compiled for pentium 2's will run in k6-1/2/4 machines, i personaly know that that is fulla shit, i686 binanireas don't work on the k6-1/2/3 atleast maybe they do on a broken os. and the thin about lcd's, my thinkpad has a small 13" i think lcd, it kicks the shit out of my 19" crt.
then agian, a 17" monitor he says, i say fuck that small peice of shit and say hello to my 19", and pretty soon either a 21" or a 20" sun monitor that can support 2048x1536/*im probably really close but not there on that resolution*/
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